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Archive for ‍‍ Tishre / Marheshwan 5770 - October 2009

843 years ago the Rambam, (Maimonides) ascended the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, where he offered up prayer to the Creator of the Universe. Today, the mere mention of Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount causes the Moslems clerics to incite their followers to violence, igniting the Temple Mount.

Ascending the Temple Mount and showing reverence to to G-d in the place of His Holy Temple, is a positive commandment expressed in the Torah. Known in Hebrew as “mora haMikdash” this commandment is as applicable today as was in the Rambam’s day.

No amount of violence and naysaying can sever the eternal bond between the nation of Israel and the place G-d chose for His Holy House. Two thousand years of unbroken tradition have preserved the precise knowledge of the location of the Holy Temple, and the adjacent areas permissible to enter.

The Rambam possessed this knowledge. So do we.

Only one way exists today to preserve and strengthen our bond to the place of the Holy Temple: to ascend and to pray, as the Rambam did. Doing so will not create turmoil, but tranquility; not war, but peace.

Join us on the Mount.

Bat Melech, with Rena Richman.

Bat Melech teachings appear every second Wednesday. This week’s Bat Melech originally appeared on April 2, 2008. The next all-new Bat Melech teaching will appear on November 11, 2009, (Marcheshvan 24, 5770).

Insights into the spiritual essence of the matriarch Sara, as revealed through a close reading of the Scriptural text.


See and hear Rabbi Chaim Richman and Rena Richman as they make their way across Texas, New Mexico and Minnesota during the middle two weeks of November.

  • The Rabbi and Rena will be teaching Torah, relating the latest events taking place in Israel and Jerusalem, and on the Temple Mount.
  • They will be sharing news of the Temple Institute and of the steady progress toward the rebuilding of the Holy Temple.
  • For times and locations, please click here or here.

We look forward to seeing you!

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

…for you do not know the reward for the respective mitzvot
The reward for a mitzvah is commensurate with its ability to bring a person close to HaShem. It is entirely possible that a minor mitzvah brings a person closer to HaShem than doe a major one.

…Calculate the loss due to a mitzvah against its reward
The loss due to fulfilling a positive commandment is the effort or expense required to fulfill it. The loss due to not transgressing a negative commandment is the pleasure it would have provided.

…the reward of a sin against its cost
The reward of a sin is the pleasure that the transgression offers; the cost is the lost reward which HaShem would have bestowed for observing His commandment.

Calculate the loss to a mitzvah against its reward, and the reward of a sin against its cost.

In reality, our mishnah does not consider reward to be the purpose behind observing mitzvot. It uses the fact that there is a reward as a practical stratagem, to deal with the lethargy and temptation. Ideally, the motivation to observe mitzvot should clearly be the love of HaShem.

To contact Biblical Faith, please click here

Shmuel “Sam” Peak teachings are now available in mp3 audio files, and can be accessed through i Tunes.

Light to the Nations – with Rabbi Chaim Richman of The Temple Institute.

Weekly series with new teachings available every Thursday.

Now that we have completed Maimonides’ Laws of the Chosen House, and we have learned the many details of the Holy Temple, are we ready to build? We think so, but some voices differ. “The Holy Temple: Man-Made or Heaven-Sent?” A guide for the perplexed.

Visit us:

Light to the Nations teachings are now available in mp3 audio files, and can be accessed through iTunes.


See and hear Rabbi Chaim Richman and Rena Richman as they make their way across Texas, New Mexico and Minnesota during the middle two weeks of November.

  • The Rabbi and Rena will be teaching Torah, relating the latest events taking place in Israel and Jerusalem, and on the Temple Mount.
  • They will be sharing news of the Temple Institute and of the steady progress toward the rebuilding of the Holy Temple.
  • For times and locations, please click here or here.

We look forward to seeing you!

“And I will make of you a great nation…” (Genesis 12:2) What makes a great nation? A nation whose people seek to be like Avraham, the man who sought the One True G-d, and made His presence known to mankind.

Visit us:

Lech Lecha (Genesis 12:1-17:27)
Parashat Lech Lecha is read on Shabbat:
Marcheshvan 13, 5770/October 31, 2009

Light to the Nations teachings are now available in mp3 audio files, and can be accessed through iTunes.

Light to the Nations – with Rabbi Chaim Richman of The Temple Institute.

Weekly series with new teachings available every Thursday.

Rambam’s Hilchot Beit haBechira – Laws of the Chosen House, Chapter VIII: The Levitical Watches: On guard for the honor of G-d’s Shechina: What happens when a Levite is caught dozing on his shift? It seems astonishing to us that such a thing could occur: to fall asleep while guarding the Holy Temple, but for the Levites and Priests who shared the guard duty, this was, after all, a day-to-day activity! How we could use such a system of guarding the sanctity of the Temple Mount today!

Visit us:

Light to the Nations teachings are now available in mp3 audio files, and can be accessed through iTunes.


See and hear Rabbi Chaim Richman and Rena Richman as they make their way across Texas, New Mexico and Minnesota during the middle two weeks of November.

  • The Rabbi and Rena will be teaching Torah, relating the latest events taking place in Israel and Jerusalem, and on the Temple Mount.
  • They will be sharing news of the Temple Institute and of the steady progress toward the rebuilding of the Holy Temple.
  • For times and locations, please click here or here.

We look forward to seeing you!

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

What is the proper path?
The Mishnah tells us that there is a “balanced path,” defined on one side by subjective opinion of what is proper, and on the other side by external perceptions of what is proper. To choose the right path is to do the right thing in the right way, by testing the integrity of our choices against personal and public standards.

Whatever is a credit to himself and earns him the esteem of fellow men.
We may ask: If a person does that which they know to be good, why doe they need to consider the opinion of others? The answer is that behavior must be acceptable to the community as well as to HaShem. Behavior can be truly upright and yet arouse suspicion or contempt.

Whatever is credit to himself and earns him esteem of fellowmen.
A sincere person directs their acts for the sake of Heaven. A person who wishes to gain approval by appearing tobe righteous is not on the “proper path.” One’s action must receive public esteem, but must not be motivated by it.

To contact Biblical Faith, please click here

Shmuel “Sam” Peak teachings are now available in mp3 audio files, and can be accessed through i Tunes.

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