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Archive for ‍‍ Sivan / Tamuz 5768 - July 2008

Light to the Nations – with Rabbi Chaim Richman of The Temple Institute.

Weekly series with new teachings available every Thursday.

It takes a great month to bear the burden of the great calamities which have befallen the Jewish people during her days. The month of Menachem Av waits patiently for us to pick up the pieces, rebuild the Holy Temple, and usher in a better world.

(To learn more about the 9th of Av, please click here.)

Bat Melech, with Rena Richman.
Bat Melech teachings appear every second Wednesday. The next Bat Melech teaching will appear on August 13, 2008, (Av 12, 5768).

The prophet Chuldah, and her prophecies in the time of King Josiah.The special message of compassion and hope she delivers on the eve of the capture of Jerusalem, the destruction of the Holy Temple, and the forcing of  the Jews into exile.

Biblical Faith – with Sam Peak
Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

HaShem decreed that the days would repeat themselves, following a periodic cycle, which would be seven days in length. Seven was the appropriate measure for the repeating cycle, for all creation came into existence over a period of seven days, so that creation’s entire being is contained in the number..

This cycle of seven also exists on a larger scale, spanning all the years of human history. Existence is divided into six periods, each containing one thousand years, followed by a seventh thousand-year period, which will be a period of “rest.”

The Sabbath, therefore, was a great gift that HaShem gave to Israel, given because His Desire was that Israel be His holy nation. He did not give the gift to any of the rest of the nations, in any sense, for the unique elevation which one experiences on the Sabbath is neither fitting nor intended for them.

From the “RaMCHaL”–Derech HaShem–Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto. Page 331–337.

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Biblical Faith – with Sam Peak
Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

In G’morrah (Brochos 35B), we see how the ancients were superior. They made the study of Torah their main purpose in life, and their wok was secondary necessity, and they were sucessful at both. Recent generations make their work their main purpose and the study of Torah incidentail, and they fail at both. The ancients were careful to bring crops into their houses and barns through a main entrance, for only in that way do they become liable for maaser, or tithes, they valued the mitzva of maaser over the expense. Contemporary people go out of their way to bring their crops in through trap-doors and windows in order to evade the obligation of maaser.

From “Mysteries of the Creation” by Rabbi Dovid Brown. We are studying from the following pages: pg. 152–156.

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Light to the Nations – with Rabbi Chaim Richman
Weekly series of short messages concerning the weekly Torah Portion.

As we conclude the book of Bemidbar (Numbers), we also conclude the saga of the generation of the desert. G-d created the world and vowed that He will destroy the world should the Jews not accept Torah. Having received and kept Torah, the Israelites, as exemplified by the tribes of Reuven, Menashe, and Gad, as well as the five orphaned daughters of Tzelaphechad, choose for themselves their inheritence in the land of Israel.

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Masei (Numbers 33:1-36:13)
Parashat Masei is read on Shabbat:
Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av, 5768/August 2, 2008

Light to the Nations – with Rabbi Chaim Richman of The Temple Institute.

Weekly series with new teachings available every Thursday.

Maimonides’ Laws of the Chosen House, chapter five: The dimensions and functions of the inner court of the Holy Temple where the offerings were prepared and brought to the altar.

(To learn more about the structure of the Holy Temple, please visit our Illustrated Tour.)

Biblical Faith – with Sam Peak
Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

On page 325, paragraph 14, The four parts of the daily prayers service actually parallel the four-part structure of the creation. The first three parts of the service rectify the lower worlds.

On page 325, also, paragraph 15, Attached to this order are other prayers, designed to incite HaShem to bestow both mercy and additional blessings. These are the “Viduy” (Confession), the Thirteen Attributes, and the “falling upon one’s face” (in the Tachanun).

The purpose of the Confession is to prevent the Accusers from speaking out and causing the service to be cast aside. We then recite the Thirteen Attributes (of Mercy) because they have the power to cause HaShem to be grasped through His Attribute of Mercy. The “falling on one’s face” in Tachanun is also a high degree of self-subjugation before HaShem. It therefore has the power to appease the Attribute of Justice and arouse mercy.

From the “RaMCHaL”–Derech HaShem–Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto. Page 325.

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