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Archive for ‍‍ Kislev / Tevet 5773 - December 2012

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

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The attainments we can reach through the intellect are manifold. For example: through the intellect we come to know that we have a Creator Who is wise, everlasting, and one; Who has existed from all eternity, is infinite in power, and transcends time and space; Who is exalted above the qualities of His creatures and beyond their conception; Who is merciful, kind, and benevolent; Who is like nothing else, and nothing is like Him. Through the intellect we comprehend the wisdom, the power, and the mercy which pervade the universe; and we recognize the obligation to serve Him — as He is worthy of this because of His benevolence, both general and particular. Through the intellect we are confirmed in our faith in HaShem’s true Torah, given to Moshe His prophet, peace be upon him.

Dedicated to Gary and Cynthia Coon

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When Yaakov  asks of Yosef “Who are these?”  it is not because his eyes are dim or that he does not know Yosef’s  sons intimately. It is because in his prophetic mind’s eye he see the boys’ greatness in the future redemption of Israel, which is taking place today. His words are not a question but an exclamation of sublime joy and approval.

Vayechi (Genesis 47:28-50:26)
Parashat Vayechi is read on Shabbat:
Tevet 12, 5773/December 29, 2012

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Temple Talk is a weekly internet radio webcast with Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven of the Temple Institute.

This week features:

The Secret of the Mayan Calendar: It’s the Jews’ Fault, Stupid

Between the Books of Genesis and Exodus: You Have Now Entered the Twilight Zone

It's the Jews' Fault, Stupid
This exceptionally passionate edition of Temple Talk is set against the backdrop of the transition between the books of Genesis, which we conclude this week, and Exodus. As the people of Israel slowly, almost imperceptibly pass from freedom to bondage in a twinkling, Rabbi Richman rages against the dying of the light. At the same time our hosts take a sobering look at growing antisemitism all around us and discover that while the complacency of the exile may lull Jews to sleep, there’s an urgent need to wake up right now. Yitzchak Reuven and Rabbi Richman explore the meaning of the “Chosen” people and ask outright: Chosen for what? If you are not ready for your life to be inexorably challenged and changed, you had best skip this week’s show.

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Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Emunah channel is here. For Info

One should then contemplate and examine the uses of the members of the body and the various ways in which each one of them contributes to man’s welfare. The hands were created to give and take; the feet to walk; the eyes to see; the ears to hear; the nose to smell; the tongue to speak; the mouth to eat; the teeth to chew; the stomach to digest; the liver to purify the food; the tubes for removing superfluities; the bowels and bladder for temporary retention. The heart is the reservoir of natural heat and the well spring of life. The brain is the seat of the spiritual facilities and the source of sensation and the nerves. The womb preserves and develops the seed. And so it is with the rest of the members of the body; their hidden benefits are even greater than those which are known to us.

Dedicated to Darlene Youts

Program LinkRead the Torah w/ShmuelContactEmunah Channel

The seismic shocks, the tectonic rumblings, the pulsating magnetic fields could all be felt from one end of creation to the next when Yehudah drew near to Yosef in their battle for custody of Binyamin. Neither brother was willing to abandon Binyamin and that’s what G-d wanted to know! When Yosef revealed his true identity to Yehudah and the others, they all realized that they could lay down their arms: It was all in G-d’s hands!

Vayigash (Genesis 44:18 – 47:27)
Parashat Vayigash is read on Shabbat:
Tevet 9, 5773/December 22, 2012

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Temple Talk is a weekly internet radio webcast with Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven of the Temple Institute.

This week features:

The Hotel Egypt: We Are All Just Prisoners Here of Our Own Device

The Prime Minister’s Visit to the Kotel: Where Has True Jewish Bravery Gone?

The month of Tevet  begins with the light of Chanukah but ultimately descends – at least ostensibly – into darkness. At first glance Tevet  seems characterized by anguish and destruction. What happened to the joy of Chanukah, and Temple dedication? Haven’t we learned anything? In this week’s fast-moving, passion-filled edition of Temple Talk, Yitzchak Reuven and Rabbi Richman discover that indeed, the Chanukah story is not over yet… the challenges it presents continue into the month of Tevet  and into our own times, and we are still writing it today. So too, as we read this week in parashat Vayigash  of Israel’s reunion and “happy” descent into Egypt, we sense the shape of things to come… and suddenly we realize with alarming clarity that we are reading the story of our own lives.

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Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Emunah channel is here. For Info

What you should first consider the origin of man and the beginning of his existence. You will then see that the first grace which HaShem bestows upon man is that he is brought into existence from nonexistence: The fundamental elements pass into plant form, which becomes food and changes into seamen and blood. This is transformed into animal life, which finally assumes the form of a human being — a living, speaking, and mortal being — who goes through changes and transformations, and is affected by various factors and ever-changing conditions which are carefully integrated and well coordinated.

Dedicated to Darlene Youts

Program LinkRead the Torah w/ShmuelContactEmunah Channel

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