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Mysteries of Creation

Biblical Faith – with Sam Peak
Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

Seven things were created before the world: the Kisei haKavod (HaShems Glorious Throne); the Torah; the Beit haMikdosh; the Avot; Yisrael; the name of the Mashiach; and teshuva. Some also add Gan Eden and Gehinom. When HaShem instructed Moshe to tell Yisrael to build a Miskon HaShem said to him, “Moshe, My Beit Mikdoah already exists in heaven, as Jerimiah 17:12 states, ‘The Kisei haKavod, high from the first; the place of our Beit haMikdosh.’ There is the Haychol and there is My Glorious Throne.”

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Biblical Faith – with Sam Peak
Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

We see, then, that the word of HaShem comes down from heaven to the Kodesh haKoddoshim between the Cruvim above the Caporess. Then it makes a ninety degree turn through the poles of the Oron and proceeds into the Haychol (which is the equivalent, in the Beit haMikdosh, or the Mishkon or “Ohel Moayd” in the desert), onto the golden or “inner” mizbayach, and from there to the doorway of the Haychol, where the prophet receives it.

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Biblical Faith – with Sam Peak
Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

Now, it is evident from the catalog of miracles we have studied that as one goes deeper into the Beit haMikdosh the miracles become progressively more common. In the outside world nissim are rarities, only performed at the greatest, earth-shaking, necessity. In Jerusalem there were certain miracles that were common, though necessary to a certain extent. However, they were miracles in a statistical sense only. A stay in Jerusalem, or even a lifetime there, without getting bitten by a snake or a scorpion is not miraculous. Only the cumulative evidence that never did a bite occur makes us realize a nes has occurred. In the Azora there were constant miracles that weren’t terribly necessary. A pregnant woman could avoid the Azora. If the column of smoke did not rise in a straight line the korbonos would be still perfectly acceptable.

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Biblical Faith – Shmuel “Sam” Peak
Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

When Israel ascended to the Beit haMikdosh for the holidays and stood in the Azora, the courtyard was crowded with everyone pressed against each other so tightly, that many of them were swept off their feet and were suspended between the adjacent bodies. When they came to prostrate themselves and this naturally would take more room than it did for standing, they not only have sufficient space but each person had room between himself and the next person in which he could whisper his prayers or confession with perfect privacy.

To contact Biblical Faith, please click here

Biblical Faith – with Sam Peak
Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

When HaShem created the universe, then, He first created, as the astronomers tells us, though not taking the billions of years they so confidently specify, a speck of super-dense matter and caused it to explode. When the earth, the sun, the planets, and the stars which grew out of the explosion reached the size that HaShem planned for them He commanded them to stop growing.

To contact Biblical Faith, please click here

Biblical Faith – with Sam Peak
Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

We need not bother that astronomers assert that the universe began with one particle of matter, while the Sages mention “two spools of thread.” Astronomers and the Sages are referring to two different moments. The universe did begin with one speck of super-dense matter which began expanding. At the next moment HaShem divided the matter into two equal parts. From one the earth was created and from the other, heaven.

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Biblical Faith – with Sam Peak
Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

When HaShem had Ya’akov Obinu stay the night at the site of the Beit haMikdash, He by that very fact, without doing anything to the structure of Eretz Yisrael, assured that all the land was beneath him, for the rock he slept on, its deepest parts, underlies all Eretz Yisrael. Afterwards HaShem took the loose stone on which he had laid his head and sunk it into the earth and attached it to the primeval Foundation Stone (Evven Shetiyah)around which the world was created.

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