for Feb
Toda Raba!
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Weekly Torah

Biblical Faith – with Sam Peak
Inner Dimension Parshiyot studies available Sunday-Friday.

Much of the book of Exodus relates to the details of the construction of the Tabernacle in the desert. When Moshe actually constructs all the components to create the complete Tabernacle exactly according to G-d’s instructions, G-d’s glory descends to cover and fill the Tabernacle. How befitting that the Torah portion that seals the book of Exodus culminates with G-d’s “seal of approval,” that all was assembled exactly according to His will.

We invite you to visit us at bfm101; this complete teaching is available at this link; Parashat HaShavua .

Biblical Faith – with Sam Peak
Inner Dimension Parshiyot studies available Sunday-Friday.

The Root of “Calf”
The Hebrew word for “calf” is egel, עגל. This root in Hebrew means “round.” Roundness is a neutral phenomenon. It can be either positive or negative.
Negative roundness is when a person follows the cycles of nature, without recognizing G-dliness and Divine Providence in the world. (The Hebrew word for “nature,” teva, is also circular, and means “ring.”) G-dliness and the path of Torah is straightness. If a person is immersed only in the cycles of nature, he will continuously revolve and never penetrate the confines of the circle. (This circle can also be a negative political circle.)
Positive roundness is the constant spiral-like motion that is always in ascent toward G-dliness.

We invite you to visit us at bfm101; this complete teaching is available at this link; Parashat HaShavua .

Biblical Faith – with Sam Peak
Inner Dimension Parshiyot studies available Sunday-Friday.

Our sages explain that the atonement for the sin of the golden calf was the red heifer – as if the mother cow is atoning for the sin of her calf. From this we learn that the rectification comes from the calf itself. There is something inherent in the calf that can cause the transformation from the evil calf of false leadership, to the pure, holy calf of genuine Torah leadership.

We invite you to visit us at bfm101; this complete teaching is available at this link; Parashat HaShavua .

Biblical Faith – with Sam Peak
Inner Dimension Parshiyot studies available Sunday-Friday.

Our sages explain that the atonement for the sin of the golden calf was the red heifer – as if the mother cow is atoning for the sin of her calf. From this we learn that the rectification comes from the calf itself. There is something inherent in the calf that can cause the transformation from the evil calf of false leadership, to the pure, holy calf of genuine Torah leadership.

We invite you to visit us at bfm101; this complete teaching is available at this link; Parashat HaShavua .

Biblical Faith – with Sam Peak
Inner Dimension Parshiyot studies available Sunday-Friday.

Even though sins are a result of our free choice, there is a deeper reason why God allows these sins to transpire. In the case of the sin of the golden calf, the deeper lesson that we learn from this sin is that no matter how far we have strayed from the path, and no matter how deeply we have fallen, we can always return to God.

We invite you to visit us at bfm101; this complete teaching is available at this link; Parashat HaShavua .

Biblical Faith – with Sam Peak
Inner Dimension Parshiyot studies available Sunday-Friday.

The major topic of this week’s Torah Parsha is the sin of the golden calf, which is considered the worst sin of the Jewish people. The commentaries explain that the people did not intend to create a substitute for God. Rather they substituted a false leader–the calf–for Moses, whom they mistakenly believed had abandoned them. Thus, the archetypical sin of the people as a whole is following false leadership.

We invite you to visit us at bfm101; this complete teaching is available at this link; Parashat HaShavua .

Biblical Faith – with Sam Peak
Daily Torah series available Sunday-Friday.

Remember mankind is a priority in G-d’s plan for this lifetime. So is the rebuilding of the Temple. The “one” place G-d desires to dwell more than any other is with all mankind.

We invite you to visit us at bfm101; this complete teaching is available at this link; Parashat HaShavua .

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