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Archive for ‍‍ Tevet / Shevat 5767 - January 2007


Exodus 12:41; “It was at the end of four hundreds and thirty years…” The commencement of Israel’s nationhood brought with it certain characteristics that have remained ever since. The Exodus was not the final phase of a long evolution. Rather, it was an abrupt break with enslavement which, until the final moment, weighed heavily upon the people. There is no holiday or Shabbath which is not linked to the Exodus of Mitzrayim (Egypt).

We invite you to visit us at bfm101;you will find teaching in many subjects of interest. Kabbalah101, Parashat HaShavua, Jewish Studies, and “Derech HASHEM” the way of G-d and many others.


Exodus 12:32; “Take even your sheep and even your cattle, as you have spoken…” Rashi explains that Par’oh was referring to Moshe’s earlier prediction that Par’oh himself would supply the offerings (10:25). Of course, Moshe never considered accepting Par’oh’s sacrifices (Ramban to 10:25).

We invite you to visit us at bfm101;you will find teaching in many subjects of interest. Kabbalah101, Parashat HaShavua, Jewish Studies, and “Derech HASHEM” the way of G-d and many others.

Light to the Nations – with Rabbi Chaim Richman
Weekly series with new shows available every Thursday.

Chapter 2 of Maimonides’ Beit HaBechira, (The Chosen House): An explanation of the height of the three sections of the altar, and the application of the system of measurements used in the Holy Temple. (Part II)

(To learn more about the physical layout of the Holy Temple, please visit our Illustrated Tour.)

The following sources are cited in this lesson:
Beit HaBechira Perek 1 Hilchot 7; Beit HaBechira Perek 2 Hilchot 8; Pirkei Avot 1, 2;
Rambam Hilchot Tshuva 1,1; Yalkut Shimoni 29


Exodus 12:12; “…I am Hashem.” Rashi notes the emphasis implied by this phrase. It indicates that Hashem acted by Himself and not through an agent (or angel). Maharal comments that from its inception the Jewish nation’s relationship with G-d was clear, direct and personal. No intermediary intervened between Hashem and His beloved nation.

We invite you to visit us at bfm101;you will find teaching in many subjects of interest. Kabbalah101, Parashat HaShavua, Jewish Studies, and “Derech HASHEM” the way of G-d and many others.


Exodus 10:29; Moshe said, “You have spoken correctly, I shall never see your face again.” The Midrash tells us that as Moshe uttered these words of his own accord, the Shechinah (Divine Presence) decended upon him in the impure setting of the royal palace and confirmed his words (Mechilta). Hashem preferred to enter a contaminated place temporarliy in order to retrieve His terumah, Israel, and then restore His holiness in the scared precincts of the Tabernacle (Sh’mot Rabbah 15:5).

We invite you to visit us at bfm101;you will find teaching in many subjects of interest. Kabbalah101, Parashat HaShavua, Jewish Studies, and “Derech HASHEM” the way of G-d and many others.

Biblical Faith – with Sam Peak

The clear proof that the descendants of Adam knew these laws and were expected by the Divine Judge and Father to obey them was 1656 years later He brought the Great Flood as a punishment for mankind’s failure to keep this advice.

DVD’s available through–subjects of interest are as follows: Kabbalah101, Jewish Studies, Parashot-HaShavua, The Way of G-d–Part 11. Thank you for your support at UTN.


The east wind רוח-קדים is a burning desert wind which appears frequently in the Torah as an atmospheric agent for conveying natural phenomena in the form of a plaque (Jeremiah 18:17; Isaih 27:8; Ezekiel 27:26; Hoshea 13:15). It will again be implemented in the time of Messiah during the war of Gog and Magog, as King David says: “With the east wind You will break the ships of Tarshish.” Psalms 48:8

We invite you to visit us at bfm101;you will find teaching in many subjects of interest. Kabbalah101, Parashat HaShavua, Jewish Studies, and “Derech HASHEM” the way of G-d and many others.

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