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Archive for ‍‍ Nisan / Iyar 5769 - April 2009

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak
Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

Elements of Maharal’s Philosophy

The study of Maharal cultivates a deep, intense and immediate awareness of HaShem, as Maharal presents the systematic study of the principles and structure of existence as it flows from HaShem, to mankind and to all creation. Derech Chaim (Way of Life), and indeed all of Maharal’s works, will be better understood with the following explanations of Maharal’s principles. The Hebrew terms will be included as a reference vocabulary for those who wish to pursue Maharal’s writings in the original.

Maharal introduces the basic elements of an ontological system by comparing Creation to building a house. There are four elements in the construction of a house: a builder (po’eil); physical materials (chomer) such as bricks and mortar; the architect’s vision of what the house will look like (tzurah) and the purpose (tachilis) for which the house is built. The house would not be built if even one of these factors were absent.

To contact Biblical Faith, please click here

Shmuel “Sam” Peak teachings are now available in mp3 audio files, and can be accessed through i Tunes.

Imagine receiving a report card from G-d, a rebuke from the Master of the Universe when He sees us straying from the path He has set for us. With the rebuke comes the reward: the manifest testimony of His love for us.
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Tazria-Metzora (Leviticus 12:1-15:33)
Parashat Tazria-Metzora is read on Shabbat:
Rosh Chodesh Iyar, 5769/April 25, 2009

Light to the Nations teachings are now available in mp3 audio files, and can be accessed through iTunes.

The tragedy of the righteous Nadav and Avihu, sons of Aharon, and the dietary laws of kashrut: the supreme importance of living the moment as G-d defines it, and not as we would like it to be.

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Shmini (Leviticus 9:1-11:47)
Parashat Shmini is read on Shabbat:
Nissan 24, 5769/April 18, 2009

Light to the Nations teachings are now available in mp3 audio files, and can be accessed through iTunes.

Biblical Faith – with Sam Peak
Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

Now, it is evident from the catalog of miracles we have studied that as one goes deeper into the Beit haMikdosh the miracles become progressively more common. In the outside world nissim are rarities, only performed at the greatest, earth-shaking, necessity. In Jerusalem there were certain miracles that were common, though necessary to a certain extent. However, they were miracles in a statistical sense only. A stay in Jerusalem, or even a lifetime there, without getting bitten by a snake or a scorpion is not miraculous. Only the cumulative evidence that never did a bite occur makes us realize a nes has occurred. In the Azora there were constant miracles that weren’t terribly necessary. A pregnant woman could avoid the Azora. If the column of smoke did not rise in a straight line the korbonos would be still perfectly acceptable.

To contact Biblical Faith, please click here

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak
Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

Torah is primarily law. In contrast, Pirkei Avot is a compilation of rabbinical wisdom and practical advice. Why begin it by chronicling the transmission of Torah?

In truth, it is precisely because this tractate deals with advice directed towards each generation’s needs, and not with absolute law, that the Mishnah begins with the history of Torah leadership. As we will see, this opening Mishnah establishes the right and the responsibility of the sages to give advice, and our responsibility to heed it.

Avot, which means fathers, begins with the chain of those who provided the world with spiritual life. They taught the love and the practice of Torah and enriched the world with its wisdom and values. They prepared successors to be the leaders who would guide the next generation. These people were truly the fathers of Torah society, and for this reason the tractate is called Avot.

As fathers of the nation, they must provide guidance for the survival and the success of the nation. Scripture teaches about this relationship in Mishlei 1:8, “Listen, my son, to your ‘father’s advice,’ and do not forsake the Torah of your mother.”

This passage implies that it is both the father’s right and responsibility to provide guidance. Moreover, the verse says that we must not only listen to but moreover heed the advice of our fathers.

To contact Biblical Faith, please click here

Shmuel “Sam” Peak teachings are now available in mp3 audio files, and can be accessed through i Tunes.

Light to the Nations – with Rabbi Chaim Richman of The Temple Institute.

Weekly series with new teachings available every Thursday.

The great illumination of ‘instant’ freedom that we experience on the Seder night so often seems to pass us by. Slaves yesterday, free men today, we simply haven’t the vessels to be able to absorb the great chesed — loving kindness — and enlightenment that G-d had blessed us with. For this we have Sefirat HaOmer – the counting of the days of the Omer, that prepares us gradually for the great re-illumination of G-d’s light — receiving Torah on Mount Sinai.

Light to the Nations teachings are now available in mp3 audio files, and can be accessed through iTunes.

(To learn more about Passover, how it was celebrated in the Holy Temple, and the barley harvest, please click here.)

Bat Melech, with Rena Richman.

The next Bat Melech teaching will appear on April 22, 2009, (Nissan 29, 5769).

Part II of a series in which Rena explores and shares the the great spiritual depths of the righteous women who protected the children of Israel from the evil decree of Pharaoh, and prepared them for their eventual exodus from bondage and emergence as a free people. Part II focusses on the central role women played in the liberation of the nation of Israel from Egyptian bondage.

Bat Melech teachings are now available in mp3 audio files, can also be subscribed to in iTunes.

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