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Archive for ‍‍ Nisan / Iyar 5770 - April 2010

Light to the Nations – with Rabbi Chaim Richman
Weekly series with new teachings available every Thursday.
Next week on Light to the Nations:
The Priestly Garments – Part VIII

Torah lists twelve stones to be engraved and placed upon the breastplate of the High Priest. How are we to ascertain the true identity of each individual stone? Why even the most ancient of Jewish sources, the three Aramaic translations of Torah seem to disagree on which stones are to be used. And even the greatest Torah sages of old seem to be proposing different stones and even different sets of criteria for determining the stones. Yet the Great Rambam seems to take the identity of the stones for granted. How do we solve a two-thousand year old mystery?

Dedication: This show is dedicated to Puah Morrill in honor of her birthday!

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Bat Melech – with Rena Richman
Bat Melech teachings appear every second Wednesday.
Next Bat Melech: May 12, 2010 / Iyar 28, 5770

The holiday that grants us a second chance was the result of human initiative, to which G-d was “thrilled ” to respond in the affirmative. (Numbers 9:6) This holiday of human initiative and Divine affirmation lives today, and G-d is willing to take it just as far as we are: If we really want to take full advantage of this opportunity to effect real spiritual change in our lives, G-d will “bend the rules ” to facilitate our success.

Dedication:This show is dedicated in honor of the birth of Eliana Louise Penrod.

Temple Institute Links:
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Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

Chapter 3   Mishnah  7

As the Source of  human existence, HaShem wants to be with those who are dependent upon Him. When there is a group of ten, which reflects His completeness, He brings His presence to them at His initiative. When the group is less than ten people, the group initiates the relationship by engaging in study and only then does the Divine Presence come, out of  His love for His people, as the verse says, “I will come to you and bless you.”

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Please view and share this teaser video. If you would like to obtain the full 1 – 1/2 hour program on DVD, it is currently on sale at the following link. Your purchase helps supports UTN and keeps all the great Torah teachings available for free.

As a nation of priests, we are instructed to deal with the art of living, and not to be swept away by the debilitating illusion of death. All that G-d brings about in His world is pure kindness, even that which so troubles the soul.

Emor (Leviticus 21:1-24:23)
Parashat Emor is read on Shabbat:
Iyar 17, 5770/May 1, 2010

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Light to the Nations – with Rabbi Chaim Richman
Weekly series with new teachings available every Thursday.
Next week on Light to the Nations:
The Priestly Garments – Part VII

The High Priest bears the names of the twelve tribes upon his heart and upon his shoulders. Why did G-d choose stones to embody the twelve sons of Israel, and for what reason does the High Priest bear their names as he performs the Divine service before the G-d of Israel?

Dedication: This show is dedicated to celebrating Hannah Elizabeth’s first birthday!

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Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

Chapter 3   Mishnah  5

Life is fraught with danger. Robbery, physical illness and emotional distress are some of the dangers that threaten us. These are a natural part of HaShem’s Creation, but He also set up His Creation a system that provides protection. We may not know just how He keeps us from danger, but this mishnah does advise us of three things that put us outside that protection. Anyone who does not heed these three things takes their own life in their own hands.

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