for Feb
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Archive for ‍‍ Shevat / Adar I 5771 - February 2011

With the completion of the Tabernacle the work of the creation of the world finally draws to a close. Moses blesses the work Israel has done, and now, the final piece in place, the world can begin!

Pekudei (Exodus 38:21-40:38)
Parashat Pekudei is read on Shabbat:
I Adar 29, 5771/March 5, 2011

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Light to the Nations – with Rabbi Chaim Richman
Weekly series with new teachings available every Thursday.
Next week on Light to the Nations:
The Music of the Holy Temple, Part I

Torah was given to man, not angels, and our sages tell us that one hour in this world is worth an eternity in the world to come. The Holy Temple is of this world, and it is our, and only our, responsibility to build it.

Dedication: Sacred to the memory of Daniel Ellis.

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Temple Talk
Temple Talk is a weekly internet radio webcast with Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven of the Temple Institute.

This week features:

A Homeopathic Approach to Idolatry

Today’s Modern Day Temple Artisans: Following in the Footsteps of Betzalel

In this week’s amazing edition of Temple Talk, it’s the father and son reunion, as Tzvi Richman returns to record a segment of our show and shares his unique wisdom and insights. What did Moses have in mind when he made the Children of Israel drink the pulverized gold of the golden calf? Parashat Vayakhel, the penultimate portion of the Book of Exodus, brings us closer to the epicenter of the Torah, on several levels. We’ve got the plan and it couldn’t be made any clearer than it gets in the first verses of this parasha… Shabbat and the Tabernacle. That’s the whole earth plan to making life count… but yet, post-modern pundits point accusing fingers and shout, “There’s no Betzalel today! How could we think of creating Temple vessels?” Well, this just in: There are amongst us, even today, inspired individuals who meet the Torah’s requirements for being a Betzalel… “a wise heart” and “a generous heart.”

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Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

Mishnah 26

Rabbi Yose bar Yehuda of Kfar HaBavli says:

One who learns Torah from the Young, to what can he be likened? – to one who eats unripe grapes of drinks unfermented wine from is vat. But one who learns Torah from the old, to what can he likened? – to one who eats ripe grapes or drinks aged wine.

Grapes are a metaphor for reveled knowledge, while wine is a metaphor for hidden knowledge. Whereas grapes are visible, thick and readily grasped; wine lies within the grapes, hidden from sight.

Mishnah 27

Rabbi Meir says: Do not look at the vessel, but what is in it; there is a new vessel filled with old wine and an old vessel that does not even contain new wine.

From this we see that individuals are distinguished by the diversity of knowledge and viewpoint. Therefore, we should select a teacher based only on inner merit.

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What’s new in the world? What’s new in your life? Moshe gathers all Israel together before him and reveals to them two things that never grow old and never get stale, but are always fresh and new, and spectacularly always in the moment, in a forever sort of way: the Holy Shabbat and the Tabernacle – the Holy Temple. Keep it new – that’s G-d’s plan!

Vayakhel (Exodus 35:1-38:20)
Parashat Vayakhel is read on Shabbat:
I Adar 22, 5771/February 26, 2011

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Light to the Nations – with Rabbi Chaim Richman
Weekly series with new teachings available every Thursday.
Next week on Light to the Nations:
Building the Temple, Part X (Final Part)

Torah was given to man, not angels, and our sages tell us that one hour in this world is worth an eternity in the world to come. The Holy Temple is of this world, and it is our, and only our, responsibility to build it.

Dedication: Dedicated to Mr. Robert Montgomery.

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Bat Melech – with Rena Richman
Bat Melech teachings appear every second Wednesday.
Part II: March 2, 2011

Please join Rena in her special teaching for women. This lesson was originally recorded in Houston, Texas, and is being presented on UTN in four parts.

We are all created and imbued with G-d given potential to achieve many great and good things in our lives. By following the commandments given us by Torah we can learn how to discover, develop and bring to fruition the unique potential that is within us. Learn the secret of your own hidden potential and how to fulfill it by serving G-d, in this exploration of the simple commandment to take challah when preparing bread.

Dedication:This show is dedicated to all the UTN / Bat Melech supporters. TODA RABA / Thank You all so much!

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