Archive for Sivan / Tamuz 5771 - July 2011
Temple Talk is a weekly internet radio webcast with Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven of the Temple Institute.
This week features:
Souls Searching Truth in America
Beginning the 3 Weeks: Mourning Day & Night: Time to Pick Ourselves Up Off the Floor & Build
We once again enter the three weeks of contemplative introspection concerning the Holy Temple which was destroyed 1941 years ago. Are we any closer to building the Holy Temple today than we were a year ago? Are the three weeks of “mourning” helping to ready us for restoring the Divine service or has it become a cathartic device to “let us off the hook?” The prophet Ezekiel enigmatically describes the idolatrous cult of Tammuz, the eponymous namesake of our current month of mourning. Why did our sages adopt the name Tammuz ? What do we learn from the Rambam’s and Rashi’s understandings of the Tammuz blasphemy? Is our current festival of mourning and fasting leading us somewhere or are we stuck fast? Rabbi Richman has just returned from America humbled and gladdened by the courageous souls he met along spiritual byways and highways. All roads lead to the Holy Temple. Do we dare take the steps we need to take?
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“A tongue can accuse or carry bad news.” Hank Williams sure said a mouthful with those lines. In truth, it was lashon hara – an evil tongue – which put Israel in exile and which kept Israel in the wilderness forty years. But on the flip side, our words, our vows, our oaths and our pledges, if uttered and honored with the proper respect and trust in HaShem, can lead us back to the promised land of Israel.
Matot (Numbers 30:2-32:42)
Parashat Matot is read on Shabbat:
Tammuz 21, 5771/July 23, 2011
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Light to the Nations – with Rabbi Chaim Richman
Weekly series with new teachings available every Thursday.
Next week on Light to the Nations:
The Temple Offerings, Part VI
The Tammuz Special was originally broadcast on Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, 5768, (the beginning of the new month of Tammuz, one year ago – 2008). Rabbi Richman’s insights remain as valuable and relevant today as they were two years ago:
From the days of the spies, the month of Tammuz has been one of harsh judgement for Israel. But Tammuz is not fated to be so for ever. By speaking well of the land of Israel and increasing our appreciation and intensifying our love for the land – right now – in the month of Tammuz, we can begin to turn Tammuz from a bitter month to a sweet month.
Dedication: Dedicated to Darla Deckard.
Temple Institute Links:
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The Levitical orchestra didn’t simply provide pleasant background accompaniment for the Temple offerings. The music was an integral spiritual aspect of the service of the offerings, designed to awaken within the worshipper true feelings of repentance. Second in a series.
Temple Institute Links:
Program Link – Website – Dedications – Support – Newsletter – Contact Us
Temple Talk is a weekly internet radio webcast with Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven of the Temple Institute.
This week features:
Violence in the Service of Good
Pinchas to the Rescue: Putting Out the Fire Set by the Heathen Prophet Bilaam
The mild and humble grandson of Aharon had to think and act fast to stay the plague devouring Israel. His exceptional act of moral courage raised many eyebrows and even more questions, then and now. Yitzchak Reuven and Tzvi Richman carefully analyze Pinchas, the legacy he was born into and the legacy he helped to create, and try to understand why G-d Himself dispelled all the doubts about Pinchas, by awarding him His “Covenant of Peace.”
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Many people today recast G-d and His Torah in their own image, according to their own criteria of how life should be. Pinchas was zealous for G-d’s honor, and that life should be lived as He has prescribed it. For his devotion to G-d’s honor, G-d honored Pinchas in return with His covenant of peace.
Pinchas (Numbers 25:10-30:1)
Parashat Pinchas is read on Shabbat:
Tammuz 14, 5771/July 16, 2011
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Musicologist David Louis is back, presenting a series of moving musical vignettes based on and about the Holy Temple, King David and King Solomon, prophecy and the Levitical Orchestra. Fascinating and inspiring. We guarantee that you will walk away with a song on your lips and in your heart! First in a series.
Temple Institute Links:
Program Link – Website – Dedications – Support – Newsletter – Contact Us