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Archive for ‍‍ Tevet / Shevat 5772 - January 2012

Temple Talk is a weekly internet radio webcast with Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven of the Temple Institute.

This week features:

Secrets of Shevat: Buckets of Torah, Buckets of Rain

One-Fifth of Israel Poised to Cross the Sea: Has Anything Changed?

Sea of Reeds“You will bring them in and plant them on the mountain of Your heritage…”   – from Parashat Beshalach, The Song of the Sea

It’s the month of Shevat, and rains of blessing are falling in the Land of Israel. But rain isn’t the only water that’s pouring down on us… the “water” of Torah is pouring down as well, and this is the time to let those healing waters into our consciousness, and redouble our Torah study. This week’s edition of Temple Talk explains the connection between the renewal of Shevat, and the special element of the renewal and appreciation of Torah study that this month affords us.

This Shabbat is the “Sabbath of Song,” called so because we read the Torah portion of Beshalach, featuring the famed “Az Yashir,” the Song of the Sea. What really happened at the Sea of Reeds? Why does the verse record that only one-fifth of Israel left Egypt? As ever, our hosts’ most important question is: What has this got to do with our lives today? Tune in to this week’s Temple Talk to find out.

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Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

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Chapter 6

Mishnah One (continues)

From a teaching by Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin, Ruach Chaim.
The Zohar comments that before Sinai, all the creatures were controlled by the cosmic forces. Once the Torah was given to Yisra’el they were freed from the control of these forces. Indeed, one who studies Torah for its own sake actually controls the forces of nature. He can change them at will, and they fear him. In this context, the Mishnah comments that Torah gives him sovereignty and dominion.

Dedicated to Deana McGluflin

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Prophetic Torah – with Rabbi Avraham Sutton
Weekly series.

The Return of Prophecy
Creation is a matter of G-d hiding away all but the smallest, dimmest spark of His superal light, so that creation and man can exist. And where does G-d hide His light? In the fabric of creation itself!

Dedication: Sacred to the memory of Jerry Dean.

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Plague after devastating plague, G-d wreaks unspeakable havoc upon Egypt, leaving no stone unturned as He shows Pharaoh who’s the boss. In the midst of this unravelling of the warp and woof of creation, why does G-d give to Israel the sighting of the new moon as the first commandment for them to perform?

Bo (Exodus 10:1-13:16)

Parashat Bo is read on Shabbat:
Shvat 4, 5772/January 28, 2012

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Temple Talk is a weekly internet radio webcast with Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven of the Temple Institute.

This week features:

Recharging in the Month of Shvat

The First of Our New Months: Marking Our Time With G-d

Soot Over EgyptBring on the month of Shvat ! It is time for all Israel to crawl out from our winter hideaway and get in line for a shot of Divine cosmic love and redemption on Tu B’Shvat, the 15th of Shvat, the new year for trees and man. Meanwhile, back on the banks of the Nile, here in Parashat Bo, G-d is ramping up the plagues He is raining down upon Egypt, while at the very same time welcoming Israel into the world of eternal commandments and commitments: The new moon, the Pesach offering and total redemption.

Are the ten plagues a thing of the past? Or are they happening again today, as foretold, before our very eyes?

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Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Chapter 6

Mishnah One (continues)

He loves the Omnipresent, he loves people . . .
We said one that learns Torah for its own sake is a “friend” and “beloved” of both G-d and people. It is the study and practice of Torah that infuse the world with its values. Since Torah flows from G-d, and Torah lives in people, a person who is embodiment of Torah is tightly bound up with both G-d and mankind.
Indeed, one who learns Torah for its own sake is the vehicle through which the spiritual and physical lanes of existence unite.

Dedicated to Deana McGluflin

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Prophetic Torah – with Rabbi Avraham Sutton
Weekly series.

The Return of Prophecy
Tears and discord are introduced by G-d on the second day of creation. It’s all for His greater glory – and to shape a world that will accommodate man and his innate free-will.

Dedication: Dedicated in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Coy Bombarger.

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