Archive for Tamuz / Menahem Av 5772 - July 2012
Temple Talk is a weekly internet radio webcast with Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven of the Temple Institute.
This week features:
Oh, Morsi Me! Hamas’ Children Have a Day at the Beach
Tisha B’Av to Tu B’Av, From Mourning to Dance: On the Way to the Third Temple
“You have transformed my lament into dancing for me, You undid my sackcloth and girded me with gladness” (Psalms 30). This verse beautifully describes the theme of this week, as the nation of Israel moves from the mourning of Tisha B’Av, to the joyous, widely-misunderstood holiday of Tu B’Av, the fifteenth day of Av, the holiday of love. What a cycle: from pain to joy, from destruction to hope. This is the quintessential Jewish idea! This week’s Temple Talk explores the dimensions and inner message of this Temple-centered ‘minor’ holiday, celebrated in contemporary Israel as a love-fest. Yitzchak Reuven and Rabbi Richman discover that Tu B’Av has a glorious past, and is a bridge to the future… to the building of the Third Temple.
Our hosts summarize the lessons of this year’s Tisha B’Av season, including a disappointing denial of Jewish access to the Temple Mount on that most spiritually important day. But the Jewish people – and more importantly, the children – are ready. Tune in for an inside look at the joy and excitement in the Jewish world generated by the Temple Institute’s viral video hit, “The Children are Ready…” and the controversy the short clip caused in the Arab world, which is up in arms over… what, exactly? A Temple Talk you will not want to miss!
Temple Institute Links:
Program Link – Website – Support – Newsletter – Contact Us
Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak
Emunah channel is here. For Info
From what R’Bachya has read of the conduct of the Early Masters and from what has come down to us of their sayings, I have found that they were more enthusiastic and concentrated their efforts more in the fulfillment of their own actual duties than in developing new applications of legal rulings or in resolving bizarre and complex hypothetical questions. They would concentrate on the general principles of the law and would clarify what is forbidden and what is permitted; then they would become immersed and absorbed in the refinement of their conduct and the duties of the heart.
Dedicated to Tre’ and Jennifer John
Program Link – Read the Torah w/Shmuel – Contact – Emunah Channel
Prophetic Torah – with Rabbi Avraham Sutton
Weekly series.
The Return of Prophecy
Through meditative Jewish prayer we lose ourselves to this atomized world of divisions and distinctions and wake up to a world of unity and oneness with G-d.
Dedication: Dedicated to Jan & Brody Gibson.
Rabbi Sutton makes reference in his teaching to the following pdf file: Rabbi Nachman of Breslov
Temple Institute Links:
Program Link – Website – Dedications – Support – Newsletter – Contact Us

Imagination vs Reality: Our imagination is a blessed aspect of our humanity, but it must be reigned in to serve the greater good that is the reality in which we live and serve G-d. This is the lesson that Moshe will spend the final 37 days of his life on this earth teaching Israel, and this is the lesson that we must take home with us on Shabbat Chazon: The Holy Temple that we see in our mind’s eye is the one that we will build with our own two hands.
Devarim (Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22)
Parashat Devarim is read on Shabbat:
Av 9, 5772/July 28, 2012
Temple Institute Links:
Program Link – Website – Support – Newsletter – Contact Us
Temple Talk is a weekly internet radio webcast with Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven of the Temple Institute.
This week features:
The Subtlety of Tisha B’Av that Falls on Shabbat
Deuteronomy: The Unique Vision of Moses for His People Israel
It’s paradigm shift time for the nation of Israel as Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven weave together all the loose threads of change currently challenging us all: The stepping up of the three weeks into the nine days of Av, the regal month that roars like a lion protecting its cubs; the gift of self-propelling prophecy that visits us on Shabbat Chazon as we get to draft our own Holy Temple blueprints; the tantalizing ramifications of Tisha B’Av which falls on Shabbat; and the shift in consciousness and purpose which informs the words of Moshe rabbenu as he readies his beloved people Israel to enter into the cherished land of Israel, as we begin the book of Deuteronomy. Plus, more thoughts on the three weeks and the necessary prerequisites for building the Holy Temple: losing our jaded and faded heaviness of spirit and regaining the childlike energy and drive to make a real change in the world.
Temple Institute Links:
Program Link – Website – Support – Newsletter – Contact Us
Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak
Emunah channel is here. For Info
If you have questions on the subject of G-d’s unity, about His Names and attributes, or on any of the fundamentals of the religion; such as the service of G-d, trust in Him, humility before Him, devoting to Him all that one does, refining good deeds from any detrimental defects, turning from sin, fear of G-d, love of G-d, diffidence before Him, self-accounting which is purely motivated, and similar matters which one can discover through the Torah Sages, the bearers of tradition, and rely exclusively on their tradition.
Dedicated to Jeff and Kellie Dixon
Program Link – Read the Torah w/Shmuel – Contact – Emunah Channel
Prophetic Torah – with Rabbi Avraham Sutton
Weekly series.
The Return of Prophecy
Our traditional prayer teaches us how to engage G-d from a multiplicity of perspectives, creating a spiritual ladder that can bring us ever closer to G-d.
Dedication: Dedicated to Sun Brisky.
Rabbi Sutton makes reference in his teaching to the following pdf file: HaShem Hidden
Temple Institute Links:
Program Link – Website – Dedications – Support – Newsletter – Contact Us