Archive for Tamuz / Menahem Av 5772 - July 2012
Prophetic Torah – with Rabbi Avraham Sutton
Weekly series.
The Return of Prophecy
G-d is the One and unifying force behind all creation. He hides in plain sight behind the reality of His creation. But we can find Him if we search beyond our senses and think beyond our thoughts.
Dedication: Dedicated to Terry & Joanna Keynon.
Rabbi Sutton makes reference in his teaching to the following pdf file: HaShem Hidden
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It’s the same old story, as old as Scripture. Only the names have been changed: Do whatever needs to be done, and say whatever needs to be said, in order to attain this single goal: Keep the Jews out of the land of Israel, where, G-d forbid, they made do some good in the world! What was true for Bilaam and Balak of yore is true for all the strange bedfellows of today, who join forces in an ever increasingly desperate attempt to stop Israel from reintroducing G-d’s immanence into the world.
Balak (Numbers 22:2-25:9)
Parashat Balak is read on Shabbat:
Tammuz 17, 5772/July 7, 2012
Temple Institute Links:
Program Link – Website – Support – Newsletter – Contact Us
Temple Talk is a weekly internet radio webcast with Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven of the Temple Institute.
This week features:
Bilaam, Balak Obama and the Roots of Anti-Semitism
Bilaam, Balak, & the Jewish Question: What Exactly is the Anti-Semite’s Problem?
Exhausted but overjoyed to be back in the Land, Rabbi Richman joins his life-saver Yitzchak Reuven for a moving edition of Temple Talk that introduces the three-week period of mourning for the Holy Temple that begins next week with the fast of Tammuz 17. Our hosts insist that the people of Israel need to take the “u” out of “mourning” and begin a New Morning of Temple conciousness, reconciliation and most of all… rebuilding.
This week, the heathen prophet Bilaam and his pal, Moabite king Balak are on center stage as they seek to “drive Israel away from the land” (Num. 22:6). What did Israel ever do to them? For that matter, what did Israel ever do to Gunter Grass or Alice Walker? Tune in to this week’s Temple Talk for a startling, unapologetic insight into the true motivation of Israel hatred.
Temple Institute Links:
Program Link – Website – Support – Newsletter – Contact Us
Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak
Emunah channel is here. For Info
Rabbenu Bachya ibn Paquda’s “Duties of the Heart” is a powerful work that can help you attain a more uplifted state of mind than the one you were in before the reading. It is a book about inwardness and about one’s conception of G-d. It is about reflection and gratitude, trust and sincerity, discipline and love. It is a book about the inner life.
In memory of Alice Richardson
Program Link – Read the Torah w/Shmuel – Contact – Emunah Channel