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Archive for ‍‍ Tamuz / Menahem Av 5774 - July 2014

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

It is said that wisdom, when used in the right way, is a remedy for every ill; but if one veers off course with it, it becomes a disease that spreads through the entire body, for which there is no antidote or cure. Hence, the Torah, is compared to fire, as it says, “Is not My word like fire?” (Yirmiyahu 23:29); for, like fire, it enlightens the eyes with its light, as it says: G-d’s commandment is pure, enlightening, the eyes” (Tehillim 19:9); Your word is a lamp to my feet, a light on my path” (Tehillim 119:105). But it burns with its flame whoever turns off its path, as it says: “For with fire G-d executes judgment” (Yeshiyahu 66:16); “He will rain down burning coals on the wicked” (Tehillim 11:6); “If I say, ‘I will not mention it or speak any more in His Name,’ then [His Word] lodges in my heart like a blazing fire, shut up in my bones” (Yirmiyahu 20:9).

Dedicated to Brenda Peak

Program LinkRead the Torah w/ShmuelContact– DVD available @ 1-800-639-0169

Temple Talk is a weekly internet radio webcast with Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven of the Temple Institute.

This week features:

The Gaza/Holy Temple Connection

Why Can’t We Make this the Last Tisha B’av? Join our Indiegogo “Build the Third Temple” Campaign!

DevarimThe month of Av  has arrived, marking the final nine-day countdown to Tisha B’Av, the day that commemorates the destruction of both Holy Temples and many other calamities. In collective Jewish consciousness, this period is considered to be inauspicious and fraught with potential hazards. Is it ‘bad luck’ for Israel to be waging a war for its very survival against the terrorists of Gaza during this very time? Yitzchak Reuven and Rabbi Richman believe the opposite is true: that this war is part of the ultimate ‘tikkun,’ fixing of these days, as all of Israel unites and strengthens the soldiers of the IDF in their holy mission. But as we rout out the murderous Hamas terrorists from their tunnels in Gaza, aren’t we forgetting one thing? The murderous Hamas terrorists who have all but taken over the Temple Mount… tune in to this week’s edition of Temple Talk for a Holy Temple perspective of the news.

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Life has its way stations. They are part of the plan. Each is a stepping stone along the way to where we need to be, to the final destination G-d has determined for us. As with the life of an individual, so too, with the life of the nation of Israel. Every son and daughter of Israel’s personal journey is intertwined with the journey of the nation as a whole. Our final destination as individuals and as a people is here in the land of Israel. Stay the course. Enter the land.

Masei (Numbers 33:1-36:13)

Parashat Masei is read on Shabbat: Tammuz 28, 5774/July 26, 2014

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Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

When the Yetzer harah gives up hope of seducing you in various ways, it will try to do so in regard to reward and punishment. First, it will try to make you doubt reward and punishment in this world. It will say, “If [reward and punishment] were meted out in just fashion, the wicked would not prosper, and the righteous would not suffer affliction,” a claim that has been mentioned previously, in the Fourth Gate teaching.

But when the intellect reveals to you the ways of justice in both these cases, as already mentioned in the Gate of Trust in G-d, this doubt will disappear, and your heart will be relieved of its confusion.

For the Elevation of the Soul: John Culver

Program LinkRead the Torah w/ShmuelContact– DVD available @ 1-800-639-0169

Temple Talk is a weekly internet radio webcast with Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven of the Temple Institute.

This week features:

Building the Holy Temple with Unconditional Love

Israel Fights for Its Existence As A Tsunami of Jew Hatred Floods the World

MaseiThe final Torah portion in the book of Numbers, parashat Masei, reviews the desert journeys of the Children of Israel that led up to their entrance into the Promised Land. It also includes the positive commandment to settle the land, and delineates the borders of the Land of Israel. In this week’s edition of Temple Talk, our hosts find that the timing of this parasha  against the backdrop of Operation Protective Edge – and the ensuing reaction of worldwide antisemitic frenzy – couldn’t be more appropriate. Yitzchak Reuven and Rabbi Richman look out at the world from Eretz Yisrael, and surmise that while the rest of the world is sinking into the abyss, the nation of Israel that dwells within the Land has surpassed itself in the purest unconditional love… just what we need to fix the month of Tammuz  and begin the rebuilding of the Holy Temple! Warning: if you suffer from an allergy to the truth, this show may be hazardous to your health.

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When the leaders of the tribes of Reuven  and Gad  approach Moshe  and ask his blessing to settle in the lands east of the Jordan River, Moshe  is aghast. He saw a great spiritual failing on the part of Reuven  and Gad  whose relationship and commitment to the land of Israel was apparently so conditional. What was it that Moshe  detected in Reuven  and Gad’s  request that so troubled him, and what changed for Moshe  so that in the end he agreed to their settling east of the Jordan.

Matot (Numbers 30:2-32:42)

Parashat Matot is read on Shabbat: Tammuz 21, 5774/July 19, 2014

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Temple Talk is a weekly internet radio webcast with Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven of the Temple Institute.

This week features:

The Battle for the Soul of Israel

To Force the Moment to its Crisis: The Cease-fire and Lessons of Tammuz 17

MatotAs Israel observes the Fast of Tammuz  17th, commemorating the breach in Jerusalem’s walls and the beginning of the annual three week period of national mourning for the Holy Temple, this week’s edition of Temple Talk takes a look at the relevance and message of this day in our time, especially against the backdrop of over 1,000 rockets that have thus far been launched against Israel, and operation “Protective Edge” being waged against the Hamas terrorists. This week’s Torah portion of parashat Matot  has a lot to teach us about why – and for whom – Israel goes out to battle.

Note: This show was recorded during the short-lived cease-fire between Israel and the terrorist organization Hamas.

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