843 years ago the Rambam, (Maimonides) ascended the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, where he offered up prayer to the Creator of the Universe. Today, the mere mention of Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount causes the Moslems clerics to incite their followers to violence, igniting the Temple Mount.
Ascending the Temple Mount and showing reverence to to G-d in the place of His Holy Temple, is a positive commandment expressed in the Torah. Known in Hebrew as “mora haMikdash” this commandment is as applicable today as was in the Rambam’s day.
No amount of violence and naysaying can sever the eternal bond between the nation of Israel and the place G-d chose for His Holy House. Two thousand years of unbroken tradition have preserved the precise knowledge of the location of the Holy Temple, and the adjacent areas permissible to enter.
The Rambam possessed this knowledge. So do we.
Only one way exists today to preserve and strengthen our bond to the place of the Holy Temple: to ascend and to pray, as the Rambam did. Doing so will not create turmoil, but tranquility; not war, but peace.
Join us on the Mount.