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Biblical Faith Shows

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Chapter 6

Mishnah One (continues)

From a teaching by Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin, Ruach Chaim.
Humility is not just a mitzvah, meaning a set of rules and actions which a person has to follow, rather humility is a state of mind. A person must naturally develop an attitude as to where they are not so important, so they feel they are humble toward others (Pirkei Avot 4 Mishnah 1).
In memory of Jerry Dean

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Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Chapter 6

Mishnah One (continues)

From a teaching by Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin, Ruach Chaim.

The world was created for the sake of the Torah and those that believe in it. As the Talmud explains HaShem created the world with a stipulation that the Jews had to accept the Torah. Otherwise the entire universe would revert to Tohu-Va-Vohu. Therefore the Zohar states that HaShem, the Torah and those that believe in it are One. The Midrash also expounds on this concept, HaShem calls the Jewish Nation, “My perfect Dove” (Song of Songs 5:2).

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Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Chapter 6

Mishnah One (continues)

From a teaching by Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin, Ruach Chaim.

Anyone that studies Torah for its own sake merits many things. Not only is that, the entire world, the entire Creation, worthwhile for them. He is called a beloved friend, he loves the Omnipresent One, he loves people and he makes HaShem glad. And he gladdens people, and the Creation. The study of the Torah clothes him in humility, and in fear of HaShem, and it prepares him to be righteous and straight forward. It distance him from sin and brings him close to merit.

Dedicated to Cherrie Shackleford and Son’s

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Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Chapter 6

Mishnah One (continues)

Emunah channel is here. For Info

Commentary from the Sefer Ruach Chaim by Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin.
Rabbi Chanania ben Akashia says: The Holy One, Blessed is He, wishes to confer merit upon Yisra’el; therefore He gave them Torah and mitzvoth in abundance, as it is said (Yeshiyahu 42:21): “HaShem desired, for the sake of His righteousness, that the Torah be made great and glorious.”

Dedicated to Bobby and Alice Richardson

Program LinkRead the Torah Portion with ShmuelContact

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Chapter 6

Mishnah One (continues)

Emunah channel is here. For Info

Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin says, “Anyone that studies Torah for its own sake.” Some people may think that the idea of studying Torah for its own sake means studying in-order to come close to HaShem. According to that kind of logic a person should spend all their time singing praises to Him.” There is a Midrash that tells David requested of HaShem that He grant one that recites the Psalms that be considered as if the person had studied the Laws of Negaim and Ohalot (Tehillim 1).

Dedicated to Bobby and Alice Richardson

Program LinkRead the Torah Portion with ShmuelContact

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Chapter 6

Mishnah One (continues)

Emunah channel is here. For Info

Torah endows him with counsel and understanding and he uses it to benefit others. If one follows the counsel he receives from this scholar, G-d will grant him strength over his enemies.

Dedicated to Debbie Orschell

Program LinkRead the Torah Portion with ShmuelContact

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Chapter 6

Mishnah One (continues)

Emunah channel coming soon. For Info

Happiness flows from completeness, just as grief is the result of loss and deficiency. Since the world was created to provide us with opportunities to enrich our lives through Torah, it is clear that Torah brings completeness into our lives and hence to the entire world. A person who engages in sincere Torah study gladdens the Omnipresent, for he fulfills the verse “G-d shall rejoice in His works” by bringing completeness to His works.

Dedicated to Debbie Orschell

Program LinkRead the Torah Portion with ShmuelContact

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