for Feb
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Pirkei Avot

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

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One should repeat a point of Torah in the name of the one who said it, and not plagiarize.
Each person was created with a unique aptitude which surfaces in the perception of Torah. Since Torah includes all of these personal view-points, if one omits the name of the person whose opinion he states, he has altered the Torah.
On a more practical level, on may explain the requirements to “repeat a saying in the name of the one who said it” as being careful not to gloss over or change any detail of his studies.

Dedicated to Cyndee Kaelin

Program LinkRead the Torah w/ShmuelContactEmunah Channel

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Emunah channel is here. For Info

In article 30 we read how “Beloved” includes being beloved to G-d as well as beloved to people. Clearly, if one is not beloved to G-d, G-d will not give him His Torah and share with him His wisdom.
One is beloved for the pleasing things he does for another. One makes G-d “happy,” not for what he does, but for what he is. One who is of fine and pleasant character makes G-d happy that He created such a being, and he makes people happy to have him as part of the community. Being close to people and to G-d is reflected by the Torah being close to him, and hence he receives Torah readily.

Dedicated to Cyndee Kaelin

Program LinkRead the Torah w/ShmuelContactEmunah Channel

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Emunah channel is here. For Info

Physical indulgence counters the acquisition of wisdom. However, the expression “limited pleasure” implies that some pleasure is acceptable.

Although the Rabbis extolled the virtue of a life of “bread and salt” in Baraita 4, the benefit arises only if the deprivations are necessary in order to learn Torah and only if there is no other alternative. There is no benefit to be had if he can continue to learn without giving up normal comforts. On the other hand, he should avoid extra phyiscl pleasures, for that goes against the nature of Torah, and that is the practice of limited pleasure.

Dedicated to Amy Magnusson

Program LinkRead the Torah w/ShmuelContactEmunah Channel

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Emunah channel is here. For Info

Torah is intended to be studied with another person, and otherwise it is not fully considered Torah study. The Rabbis say,
Rabbi Yose bar Chanina said: What is the meaning of the passage, “A sword upon the liars (Hebrew: baddim) and they shall become fools”? [It means] “A sword upon Torah scholars who sit separately (Hebrew: bad bebad) and study Torah.” Furthermore, they become foolish, as it says: “and they shall become fools.”

Dedicated to Amy Magnusson

Program LinkRead the Torah w/ShmuelContactEmunah Channel

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Emunah channel is here. For Info

Modesty is the origin of effective Torah studies. Despite Moshe Rabbeinu’s many fine qualities, he received the Torah because of his modesty. The Rabbis say, Rabbi Chanina bar Idi said: Why is Torah compared to water? Just as water flows from a high place to a low place, so do the words of Torah remain only with one who is humble.

Dedicated to Christina Hammond

Program LinkRead the Torah w/ShmuelContactEmunah Channel

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Emunah channel is here. For Info

The three offices of royalty, priesthood and Torah leadership were symbolized in the Holy Temple by three scared articles, each of which was graced by a “crown” of gold work surrounding the upper border. These are: the Shulchan, Table; the Mizbei’ach HaZahav, Golden Alter; and the Aron, Ark.
The crown upon the Table, which carries the show-bread, corresponds to the crown of kingship, because it is the king’s role to ensure the nations sustenance. The smallest perimeter of any plane of the Table is thirty tefachim, corresponding to the prerogatives of the king.

Dedicated to Christina Hammond

Program LinkRead the Torah w/ShmuelContactEmunah Channel

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Emunah channel is here. For Info

Commentary from Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag
From the Sefer: The Shadow of the Ladder
And G-d said “Let there be light and there was light” (Gen. 1:3).
Zohar comments, “Let there be light in this world and there was light in the world-to-come.”
Explanation: The act of creation brought into being all creatures according to their true nature and in their full stature, in all their perfection and in all their glory. Thus the light that was created on the first day appeared in all its perfection, including even the life in this world, in complete delight and pleasantness, in consonance with the full measure express in the words, “Let there be light.”

Dedicated to Brian and Camie Davis

Program LinkRead the Torah w/ShmuelContactEmunah Channel

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