Way of G-d
Biblical Faith – with Sam Peak
Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.
This week, two parts, 30 minutes each.
Part A
Remember “man” is the creature for the sole purpose of attaching themselves to G-d. It is only “man” placed between perfection and deficiency, with the self-will to earn perfection. In otherwords, choose “life” or choose “death.” Therefore G-d created two distinct periods for man, one as a time of earning, and the other as a time of receiving reward. While man is striving toward perfection, he must be in a setting containing elements necessary for such efforts; G-d desires of him that he earn the perfection through his own effort. It is for this reason that G-d created two world’s, this world (Olam ha-Zeh), and the World-To-Come (Olam ha-Ba). From: “The Way of G-d” by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto.
Part B
Mankind’s first sin resulted in drastic changes in man and in nature. When Adam was created, he composed of two equal opposites, the body and the soul. His environment contained both good and evil, and he was balanced between the two to choose whichever he wished. When Adam sinned, he personally caused concealment of perfection and thus an increase in evil. The effort required to earn perfection was therefore doubled. It is man’s task to bring both himself and the world back to the perfected state prior to sin. Only then will man raise himself to the state of perfection. From: “The Way of G-d” by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto.
Biblical Faith – with Sam Peak
Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.
This week, two parts, 30 minutes each.
Part A
G-d’s purpose in creation was to bestow of His good to another. G-d’s Desire was that the good bestowed be the greatest good, and the greatest good is“closeness” to G-d Himself. In G-d’s Wisdom all that He created was to takepleasure from G-d’s Goodness. Yet, He decreed that for such Good to beperfect, the one enjoying it must be its master.If we understand that G-d alone is the true perfection, it follows that innature and in Creations, every fault is merely the absence of His Good andthe concealment of His Presence. From: “The Way of G-d” by Rabbi Moshe ChaimLuzzatto.
Part B
This primary, essential creature is man. All other created things, whetherabove or below man, are only for his sake, to complete his environmentthrough their various qualities, appropriately set aside for the individual.From: “The Way of G-d” by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto.
Biblical Faith with Sam Peak
Series Premiere!
Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.
Every G-d Fearer and Jew must believe and know that there is only One G-d (HASHEM/ELOHIM). G-d is without beginning or end and He brought “all things” into existence and sustains “all things”. It is absolute necessary to know that G-d’s existence is intrinsically imperative. Among the things that are absolute is that G-d is One and six basic principles: 1) The fact of His existence. 2) His perfection. 3) The necessity of His existence. 4) His absolute independence. 5) His simplicity. 6) His unity. From: “The Way of G-d” by Rabbi Moshe Chayim Luzzatto (RaMChaL).