for Feb
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Bat Melech

Bat Melech – with Rena Richman
Bat Melech teachings appear every second Wednesday.
Next Bat Melech: December 8, 2010 / Tevet 1, 5771

Miriam, the older sister of Moses, was a women of prophetic vision and a teacher of her generation, whose unique ability was in channeling her love of G-d into creative outlets through which all the children of Israel can express themselves.

This teaching was initially posted in April 2009. Rena will not be recording new teachings until she returns from her upcoming trip to the USA.

Dedication: Dedicated to Miriam & Yael.

Temple Institute Links:
Program LinkWebsiteDedicationsSupportNewsletterContact Rena

American Tour 2011
Please view this short video in which Rabbi Richman personally invites you to join him in America this January as he speaks about the world today and the role Israel is destined to play in leading the world “From Exile to Redemption.”

For additional details of the Rabbi’s speaking engagements in eight states, please click here.

Temple Institute Links:
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Bat Melech – with Rena Richman
Bat Melech teachings appear every second Wednesday.
Next Bat Melech: December 8, 2010 / Tevet 1, 5771

The eighth and final day of Chanuka, the day on which we kindle all eight Chanuka lights is a day of great illumination. This illumination includes a great spiritual force that is brought down from above on this day, which floods the world and provides a supernal light that will remain with us throughout the entire year.

Dedication: Dedicated to Miriam Spitz!

Temple Institute Links:
Program LinkWebsiteDedicationsSupportNewsletterContact Rena

Bat Melech – with Rena Richman
Bat Melech teachings appear every second Wednesday.
Next Bat Melech: December 8, 2010 / Tevet 1, 5771

The suffering and adversity that are a part of life and that are so difficult to comprehend, are nevertheless an expression of G-d’s love for us. If we can accept our suffering as a challenge, we can grow stronger and closer to G-d.

Dedication: Dedicated to Yael Ellis. Happy Birthday!

Temple Institute Links:
Program LinkWebsiteDedicationsSupportNewsletterContact Rena

Bat Melech – with Rena Richman
Bat Melech teachings appear every second Wednesday.
Next Bat Melech: November 24, 2010 / Kislev 17, 5771

United in their search for the One G-d, united against all the odds of a world hostile to the knowledge of the One G-d, and united in their love for one another, the source from which they drew their strength, Avraham & Sara are to be emulated by all who seek out the love and guidance of G-d in their lives.

Dedication: Dedicated to Nechama Dina Deckard.

Temple Institute Links:
Program LinkWebsiteDedicationsSupportNewsletterContact Rena

Bat Melech – with Rena Richman
Bat Melech teachings appear every second Wednesday.
Next Bat Melech: November 10, 2010 / Kislev 3, 5771

United in their search for the One G-d, united against all the odds of a world hostile to the knowledge of the One G-d, and united in their love for one another, the source from which they drew their strength, Avraham & Sara are to be emulated by all who seek out the love and guidance of G-d in their lives.

Dedication: Dedicated to Chaya Yocheved Kude.

Temple Institute Links:
Program LinkWebsiteDedicationsSupportNewsletterContact Rena

Bat Melech – with Rena Richman
Bat Melech teachings appear every second Wednesday.
Next Bat Melech: October 27, 2010 / Cheshvan 19, 5771

Avraham and Sara were two individuals that sought out the One G-d and worked tirelessly as a couple to impart that all-encompassing oneness to mankind.

Dedication: Dedicated to Mr. & Mrs. Coy Bombarger.

Temple Institute Links:
Program LinkWebsiteDedicationsSupportNewsletterContact Rena
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