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Temple Institute Shows

Yaakov avinu’s (our forefather Jacob’s) midnight encounter with a mysterious angel: Who was this angel, what was his purpose, and by what name was he known? Yaakov overcomes the angel, and by doing so gains insight into all these questions. He also acquires for himself a new name, a new identity, and a new role to play in establishing the Divine presence here on this earth.

Vayishlach (Genesis 32:4-36:43)
Parashat Vayishlach is read on Shabbat:
Kislev 16, 5776/November 28, 2015

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Avraham saw his appointed meeting place with G-d as a distant and foreboding mountain, (Mount Moriah), and Yitzchak envisioned the Holy Temple to be a field, accessible and alive. But it was Yaakov who understood the Holy Temple to be a home, a nurturing, loving center in which G-d and all mankind can embrace.

Vayeitzei (Genesis 28:10-32:3)
Parashat Vayeitzei is read on Shabbat:
Kislev 9, 5776/November 21, 2015

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Temple Talk is a weekly internet radio webcast with Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven of the Temple Institute.

This week features:

Is Paris Burning? Islam, Jihad and a President that Just Don’t Care

Vayeitzei: Yaakov Assumes His Pivotal Role as a Man of Truth and Father of a Nation

Chayei SaraOvernight, our father Yaakov transforms himself from a reluctant pursuer of his father’s blessing to a visionary who literally sets the foundation stone for the future Holy Temple and for man’s eternal meeting place with G-d. Yaakov’s dream-vision stands in stark contrast to today’s clueless, valueless and gutless so-called world leaders, who can’t manage to say the words “Islamic Jihad,” let alone muster the courage to fight it. Yitzchak Reuven is all by himself in the studio in this week’s edition of Temple Talk as Rabbi Richman is in the USA kicking off his month long speaking tour. Details at

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Yitzchak avinu (Isaac our patriarch) was a man of vision blinded by the light of G-d’s brilliant and hidden presence. He lived, he died, and he lived again to bless his son Yaakov, ‘ish tam,’ the perfectible man, with the task of bringing G-d’s light into the world for all to perceive.

Toldot (Genesis 25:19-28:9)
Parashat Toldot is read on Shabbat:
Kislev 2, 5776/November 14, 2015

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Temple Talk is a weekly internet radio webcast with Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven of the Temple Institute.

This week features:

Jealousy, Death and Destruction: Esau Through the Ages

Historic Ingathering and History-Making Ascent: Prophetic Fulfillment in Our Day

Chayei SaraEsau despised it and sold it for a pittance. Yaakov cherished it and nearly paid for it with his life: What is so important about the birthright that Esau and his contemporary spiritual descendants will cry so bitterly over it today while just yesterday it meant not a thing to them? On the other hand, Yaakov’s children, such as the Beta Yisrael Jews of Ethiopia, never forget and never despair of their G-d given birthright. The Sigd celebration bears witness to the resilience of the children of Israel, and the enduring promise of the birthright and the blessing. Yitzchak Reuven is all by himself in the studio in this week’s edition of Temple Talk as Rabbi Richman is in the USA kicking off his month long speaking tour. Details at

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The purchase of the Machpelah cave by Avraham is the first of three incontestable acquisitions of the land of Israel that the holy Torah testifies to. The others are Kever Yosef, the tomb of Yosef, built upon land purchased by our patriarch Yaakov, and the threshing floor of Arvona, purchased by King David, upon which was built the Holy Temple. It is these three places precisely that our enemies currently seek to steal from Israel, using lies and deceptions, knowing full well that these three places are the three pillars upon which the world stands and the three foundation stones upon which Israel’s settlement of the land rests firmly and eternally.

Chayei Sara (Genesis 18:1 – 22:24)
Parashat Chayei Sara is read on Shabbat:
MarCheshvan 25, 5776/November 71, 2015

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Temple Talk is a weekly internet radio webcast with Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven of the Temple Institute.

This week features:

Prayer, Love and Oneness in the Field

From the Machpelah to the Temple Mount: Israel marches toward its Destiny

Chayei SaraParashat Chayei Sara captures the moment that Jewish life as we know it today comes into the world. Death, mourning, eulogizing and burial, are followed by new love, life and consolation as the generation of Sara and Avraham gives way to the generation of Yitzchak and Rivka. Accusations of wrongdoing from all directions do not discourage today’s descendants of Yitzchak and Rivka from ascending the same field of dreams which is the Temple Mount. More and more Jews are choosing with their feet and their hearts the Temple Mount leading an entire people toward a better day. Yitzchak Reuven is all by himself in the studio in this week’s edition of Temple Talk as Rabbi Richman is in the USA kicking off his month long speaking tour. Details at

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