Temple Institute Shows
“You shall be holy, for I, HaShem, your G-d, am holy.” How is that possible? What is required? How is it to be achieved? Parashat Kedoshim describes what it takes to be holy because G-d is holy, and why this imperative, which applies to the entire nation, is included in Leviticus, the guide-book for Kohanim.
Kedoshim (Leviticus 19:1 – 20:27)
Parashat Kedoshim is read on Shabbat:
Nisan 29, 5776/May 7, 2016
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Temple Talk is a weekly internet radio webcast with Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven of the Temple Institute.
This week features:
Emancipate Yourself from Mental Slavery
Welcoming the Month of Iyar and Spiritual Secrets of Counting the Omer
Returning to Temple Talk after the festival of Passover, Yitzchak Reuven and Rabbi Chaim Richman offer a fascinating, up-to-the moment analysis of what is happening on the Temple Mount and what it means for the people of Israel. Vying Muslim terrorist factions express outrage over the unprecedented numbers of Jewish visitors to the Holy site, and the media parrots its worn, tired cliches and canned responses, but this is the generation that swears an oath of allegiance to the rebuilding of the Holy Temple, and nothing can stand it our way. In the meantime, as the people of Israel joyously fulfill the commandment of counting the Omer, our hosts discuss the amazing spiritual potential and challenges contained in these potent days. Don’t miss the insights and information in this week’s edition of Temple Talk!
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Temple Talk is a weekly internet radio webcast with Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven of the Temple Institute.
This week features:
Pesach Offering: Why Not ‘This Year in Jerusalem?’
The Eternal Challenge of Passover Calls Out in Every Generation: Set the Captives Free!
As all of Israel prepares to observe the pivotal and defining festival of Passover, Yitzchak Reuven and Rabbi Richman reflect on the growing support for the renewal of the Passover offering in our time. In this week’s special Passover edition, our hosts focus on the lessons of Passover – especially in the light of the heinous, criminal declaration of UNESCO, which states that the Jewish people have no connection to the Temple Mount. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu bemoans UNESCO’s Temple Mount Resolution, but at the same time, he orders the suppression of all Jewish at the site. If you don’t believe in your own truth, the world won’t believe in it either, so who’s to blame? A riveting program, providing unique analysis and first-hand knowledge. Because of pre-Passover scheduling issues, this program was recorded early this week, before the Jerusalem bus bombing was reported, and thus our hosts were unable to comment on that event. Note: Temple Talk will be taking a break during the days of Passover. The next edition of Temple Talk will be broadcast on Tuesday, May 3rd. Temple Talk wishes all our listeners blessings for the Festival of Pesach… Chag Kasher Ve’Sameach!
Watch The Passover Recipe You DON’T Want to Miss! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QFv4r8kWfY
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We speak, therefore we are human. In order to preserve our humanity we must take hold of our tongues and speak only things worthy of the name G-d gave to the man He created – Adam. The spiritual palliative prescribed by Torah provides for the metzora a way to get back to the Adam we are meant to be.
Metzora (Leviticus 14:1 – 15:33)
Parashat Metzora is read on Shabbat:
Nisan 8, 5776/April 16, 2016
Temple Institute Links:
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Temple Talk is a weekly internet radio webcast with Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven of the Temple Institute.
This week features:
The Passover Recipe You Don’t Want to Miss
The Passover Offering in Jerusalem: The Ultimate Answer to Every Lie in the World
As the ‘Great Shabbat’ preceding Passover arrives this week, the nation of Israel is busily preparing for the glorious festival of Pesach, marking the redemption of Israel from Egypt and their birth as a nation. But lest we forget that we are missing the entire point of the Passover seder, the Temple Institute has come up with an innovative way to educate the Jewish people as to the centrality of the korban Pesach, the eternal covenant of the Passover offering. After all, the Passover offering is a clear and bold statement about who the nation of Israel is, and what their job is in this world. On this week’s edition of Temple Talk, Yitzchak Reuven and Rabbi Chaim Richman explain their motivation in producing their new video, ‘The Passover Recipe You Don’t Want to Miss,’ with world-renowned chef Yochanan Lambiase. The video can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QFv4r8kWfY
Exclusive: Our hosts also share the intriguing and inspiring story of a secret wedding that took place on the Temple Mount, perhaps for the first time in 2,000 years! Don’t miss this week’s amazing edition of Temple Talk!
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Language is G-d’s gift to man, enabling man to communicate both practical information and the loftiest of sentiments. But the misinterpretation of language can lead to a misunderstanding of Torah principles and the hijacking of language for the purpose of harming others is a problem so severe that G-d Himself sees to it that man is held accountable.
Tazria (Leviticus 12:1 – 13:59)
Parashat Tazria is read on Shabbat: Rosh Chodesh Nisan, 5776/April 9, 2016
Temple Institute Links:
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Temple Talk is a weekly internet radio webcast with Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven of the Temple Institute.
This week features:
Israel’s Mission: To Vanquish Death Forever
Cosmic Joy of the Month of Nisan and the Dedication of the Tabernacle: My World and Welcome to It
This Shabbat features the confluence of Rosh Chodesh Nisan, the beginning of the new month of Nisan, and Parashat Ha-Chodesh, the last of the four special Sabbaths, accompanied by a unique additional Torah reading, that precede the Festival of Passover. This week’s edition of Temple Talk focuses on the glorious month of Nisan, time of Israel’s redemption from Egypt. Yitzchak Reuven and Rabbi Chaim Richman explore the sages’ amazing teaching that this month brought G-d’s plan for creation to fruition. Our hosts also examine a modern-day manifestation of the Biblical malady of tzar’at… Facebook and Twitter users, this show is a must listen! Plus: Israel’s Divinely-appointed mandate to struggle against the debilitating illusion of death.
Temple Institute Links:
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