for Feb
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Weekly Torah Readings

Who is that false prophet that Torah warns us against? How can he perform wonders if he is false, and if he is false why does he appear? Why does G-d empower him to perform wonders, if not to ensnare Israel? There are many false prophets today in the business of making false promises promising peace and prosperity if only Israel will turn her back on G-d’s Torah. We have been warned!

Re’eh (Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17)
Parashat Re’eh is read on Shabbat:
Av 27, 5774/August 23, 2014


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The land of Israel – every grain of it – belongs to the people of Israel. By virtue of her diligent adherence to G-d’s commandments, Israel will come into undisputed possession of the land. No man can take this away – not even the president of the United States.

Eikev (Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25)
Parashat Eikev is read on Shabbat:
Av 20, 5774/August 16, 2014

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How important is the land of Israel? How essential is it to the children of Israel and to the fulfilling of the Torah of Israel? How crucial is it to all mankind that the nation of Israel is sovereign in the land of Israel? How vital is the land of Israel to G-d that He swore it to Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov and their descendants forever? Moshe reveals to Israel the land and its beauty.

Va’etchanan (Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11)
Parashat Va’etchanan is read on Shabbat:
Av 13, 5774/August 9, 2014

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Moshe rabbenu  opens his final words to the children of Israel with gentle chastisement. Before they enter the land it is important that they be reminded of their past errors in order to guard them against repeating those mistakes. Today’s current events remind us that our generation still has much work ahead in order to fully inherit, conquer and settle the land. The current conflict in Gaza is a harsh reminder of the very golden calf and spy-like misconceptions that have misled Israel for many years and lengthened our journey to redemption.

May we learn from these past errors, re-gird our loins, retake our land and recapture our destiny!

Devarim (Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22)

Parashat Devarim is read on Shabbat: Av 6, 5774/August 2, 2014

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Life has its way stations. They are part of the plan. Each is a stepping stone along the way to where we need to be, to the final destination G-d has determined for us. As with the life of an individual, so too, with the life of the nation of Israel. Every son and daughter of Israel’s personal journey is intertwined with the journey of the nation as a whole. Our final destination as individuals and as a people is here in the land of Israel. Stay the course. Enter the land.

Masei (Numbers 33:1-36:13)

Parashat Masei is read on Shabbat: Tammuz 28, 5774/July 26, 2014

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When the leaders of the tribes of Reuven  and Gad  approach Moshe  and ask his blessing to settle in the lands east of the Jordan River, Moshe  is aghast. He saw a great spiritual failing on the part of Reuven  and Gad  whose relationship and commitment to the land of Israel was apparently so conditional. What was it that Moshe  detected in Reuven  and Gad’s  request that so troubled him, and what changed for Moshe  so that in the end he agreed to their settling east of the Jordan.

Matot (Numbers 30:2-32:42)

Parashat Matot is read on Shabbat: Tammuz 21, 5774/July 19, 2014

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The war begun by Balak  and Bilaam  against Israel is still being waged today. This is the war against the Jewish family, the soul and source of Israel’s strength. Balak  and Bilaam  conspired to entrap Israel with idol worship and licentiousness. Today, Israel’s enemies kidnap her children and fire missiles into her towns and villages. Parashat Pinchas  contains three responses to the war against the Jewish family: The zealotry of Pinchas, the love of the land of Tzelaphchad’s  daughters and the increased sanctity and closeness to G-d engendered by the Shabbat and holiday Musaf  (additional) offerings in the Holy Temple.

Pinchas (Numbers 25:10-30:1)

Parashat Pinchas is read on Shabbat: Tammuz 14, 5774/July 12, 2014

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