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Weekly Torah Readings

Within two days only Israel brought to Moshe  all the gold and silver and copper and blue techelet  and purple argaman  and crimson shani  and goat skins and tachash  skins and precious stones needed to make the Tabernacle, all its vessels and the priestly garments. Giving hearts brought all this to the wise hearts who fashioned from these raw materials the Tabernacle, all its vessels and the priestly garments. Nothing can stand between Israel and G-d and the Holy Temple if wise and giving hearts are willing.

Vayakhel (Exodus 35:1-38:20)
Parashat Vayakhel is read on Shabbat:
1 Adar 22, 5774/February 22, 2014

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That the incident of the golden calf was a mega-debacle is beyond the shadow of a doubt. But what was it all about? What was the sin? Who was behind it? Why did G-d swear Israel’s destruction, then back off? Why did G-d “go easy” concerning the sin of the golden calf, in contrast to the sin of the spies, in which G-d condemned an entire generation to death in the wilderness? Why do our sages say the sin of the golden calf recurs in every generation, and why is Israel poised today to put an end for once and for all to this enduring snare? The answers to all these questions, and more, found within

Ki Tisa (Exodus 30:11-34:35)
Parashat Ki Tisa is read on Shabbat:
1 Adar 15, 5774/February 15, 2014

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Love and marriage: This is the story of the building of the Tabernacle in the desert. G-d so loved His people Israel that He could not bear to wait until they entered the land before they would build for Him a sanctuary. He ordered a temporary, portable sanctuary that would enable Him to dwell among Israel even during their forty year desert sojourn, so that they could begin at once their life together.

Tetzave (Exodus 27:20-30:10)
Parashat Tetzave is read on Shabbat:
1 Adar 8, 5774/February 8, 2014

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G-d’s plan for man: Creating a center and focal point for Israel and all mankind to gather together in profound and joyful nearness to G-d. Raising up the world via the reality of the Holy Temple.

Terumah (Exodus 25:1-27:19)
Parashat Terumah is read on Shabbat:
1 Adar 1, 5774/February 1, 2014

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Circle around G-d: Celebrate, honor and sanctify life by making Him your center. This is the message of Torah from Sinai, from the simplest of commandments to the joyful observance of the three pilgrimage festivals.

Mishpatim (Exodus 21:1-24:18)
Parashat Mishpatim is read on Shabbat:
Shevat 24, 5774/January 25, 2014

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Who was Moshe, the “man of G-d?”  Agitator for justice, freedom fighter, radical activist who led his people out of Egypt, Moshe  is called to the mountain to “ascend to G-d.”  He attained a level of G-d awareness unattained by any other before or since, and at Sinai elevated the entire nation with him.

Yitro (Exodus 18:1-20:23)
Parashat Yitro is read on Shabbat:
Shevat 17, 5774/January 18, 2014

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Bread from heaven: What a beautiful way for G-d to show His people how much He loves them! The manna which sustained Israel for forty years in the desert was replaced upon entering the land by bread which sprouts from the earth, a process no less miraculous than manna, and an expression no less poignant of G-d’s love for Israel.

Bo (Exodus 13:17-17:16)
Parashat Beshalach is read on Shabbat:
Shevat 10 Beshalach, 5774/January 11, 2014

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