“It’s a bird, it’s a plane…” no, it’s just the Kohen Gadol, ordinary mortal but super-hero, nonetheless, serving G-d in the Holy Temple. With the powers vested in his priestly vestments, the integrity which fills his heart and his unfettered love for his brethren and for all humanity, the kohen serving beside the altar in the Holy Temple is the embodiment of every virtue and act of courage portrayed by modern fictional super heroes.
Tetzave (Exodus 27:20 – 30:10)
Parashat Tetzave is read on Shabbat:
Adar I 11, 5776/February 20, 2016
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Parashat Terumah records the moment in which G-d officially invites man to welcome His Presence into our world. “Build for Me a sanctuary.” Are we up for it? Do we have it in our hearts to give just a little of ourselves for so much in return? Do it for Me, G-d says, “and I will dwell among them.” Dare we answer no? Dare we answer yes?
Terumah (Exodus 25:1 – 27:19)
Parashat Terumah is read on Shabbat:
Adar I 4, 5776/February 13, 2016
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Temple Talk is a weekly internet radio webcast with Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven of the Temple Institute.
This week features:
The Extra Month of Adar: Double Your Fun
Parashat Terumah and the Temple Institute: Calling on You to Help Build the Holy Temple in Our Generation
What’s the idea of building the Holy Temple really all about anyway? Is it relevant for our world today? Who needs it anyway? This week, as we read parashat Terumah with its commandments concerning the building of the Tabernacle – later to become the Holy Temple – the Torah’s intentions for man’s relationship with G-d begin to come into clear focus. This week’s edition of Temple Talk is a celebration of parashat Terumah. Tune in for a delightfully insightful program full of straight talk about the need for building the Holy Temple today, from the people who are this generation’s true Temple trailblazers… the Temple Institute. Plus: Two months of Adar, the special leap year gift of an extra month!
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We can liberate ourselves by recognizing that G-d is all there is and that all the world belongs to Him. The lofty ideals and transcendent experience of the Sinai revelation need to be translated into action and transformed into a “G-d conscious consciousness” that informs and animates our every thought and deed.
Mishpatim (Exodus 21:1 – 24:18)
Parashat Mishpatim is read on Shabbat:
Shevat 27, 5776/February 6, 2016
Temple Institute Links:
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Temple Talk is a weekly internet radio webcast with Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven of the Temple Institute.
This week features:
Ban Ki Moon Legitimizes the Murder of Jews
The ‘Occupation,’ the ‘Palestinian People,’ and Other Big Fat Lies: Dare to Tell the Truth
After the intensely spiritual experience of the Sinai Revelation that we read about in last week’s Torah portion of Yitro, this week’s Parashat Mishpatim serves to ground us and instructs us as to how we can make G-d’s presence a part of our everyday reality. This week’s amazing edition of Temple Talk features a beautiful analysis of the significance of Parashat Mishpatim, especially with regards to the saga of Israel and the world today. And you won’t want to miss this show, as our hosts challenge UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon’s statements that whitewash Arab terror and murder, and blame Israel for existing. Yitzchak Reuven and Rabbi Richman launch a scathing rebuttal and history lesson that you’ll never forget!
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The encounter at Sinai between man and G-d, the giving and receiving of Torah, the welcoming of Israel into G-d’s world and the welcoming of G-d into our world, this is what G-d had in mind, this is what He intended and this is why He created the world all those many years ago. From this moment on Israel has a mission: To share G-d’s Torah and the knowledge of His Oneness with all the world.
Yitro (Exodus 18:1-20:23)
Parashat Yitro is read on Shabbat:
Shevat 20, 5776/January 30, 2016
Temple Institute Links:
Program Link – Website – Support – Newsletter – Contact Us
Temple Talk is a weekly internet radio webcast with Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven of the Temple Institute.
This week features:
Parashat Yitro: The Absolute Oneness of Everything
Notes from a Kingdom of Priests: From Creation to Mount Sinai, It’s All Been Leading Up to this Moment
As we read parashat Yitro this week and relive the Sinai Revelation and the giving of the Torah, Temple Talk’s hosts Yitzchak Reuven and Rabbi Chaim Richman reflect on the amazing personality of Yitro, Moshe’s father-in-law, who turned in his PhD in paganism and decided to follow the One G-d of Israel. The Torah portion opens with the need for a proper judicial system… which our hosts bemoan as something sorely lacking from our society today. The basis for justice is the recognition of the total Oneness of G-d… something that all of Israel learned and personally witnessed in this week’s Torah portion. Plus: The Baking of the Showbread in the Holy Temple comes alive this week in Jerusalem! Tune in for an inspiring and informative edition of Temple Talk.
Temple Institute Links:
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