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Archive for ‍‍ Shevat / Adar II 5767 - February 2007

Light to the Nations – with Rabbi Chaim Richman
Weekly series of short messages concerning the weekly Torah Portion.

Teruma (Exodus 25:1-27:19)
Parashat Teruma is read on Shabbat:
Adar 6, 5767/February 24, 2007

Biblical Faith – with Sam Peak
Daily Torah series available Sunday-Friday.

After the covenant was sealed and the principal ethical, social, and religious laws were given, the Israelities were requested to donate their material wealth for sacred causes.
We invite you to visit us at bfm101; this complete teaching is available at this link; Parashat HaShavua .

Biblical Faith – with Sam Peak
Daily Torah series available Sunday-Friday.

But G-d’s contract with us is not that of a usurious money-lender, but of a heter iska investor. He extends us the capital and insists on payment in return, but He stresses that this is a partnership, an ongoing involvement. He retains His stake in the capital throughout our use of it, being affected, as we are, by the ups and downs of the market of our lives.
We invite you to visit us at bfm101; this complete teaching is available at this link; Parashat HaShavua .

Biblical Faith – with Sam Peak
Daily Torah series available Sunday-Friday.

On the cosmic historical level of “Nezikin”, the three gates of Nezikin can be seen as three phases of social development of man. In the “first gate”, we encounter human society acting in abase and barbaric state because the Laws of Institution, whose function is to deal with criminal and violent behavior among its members, are wrapped up in the “will to receive for themselves alone.”

We invite you to visit us at bfm101; this complete teaching is available at this link; Parashat HaShavua .

Light to the Nations – with Rabbi Chaim Richman
Weekly series with new shows available every Thursday.

G-d’s love for the people of Israel, as expressed in the month of Adar, from the giving of the half-shekel, to the joyous celebration of Purim.

(To learn more about the machatzit hashekel – the half-shekel, please click here, and here.

To learn more about the Purim, please click here, and here.)

Biblical Faith – with Sam Peak
Daily Torah series available Sunday-Friday.

Exodus 21:1–24:18; In the Zohar, we learn that the commandment that Moshe received, “You shall love your G-d with all your soul”, is the attachment to all Ten Commandments and the 613 Mitzvot.

We invite you to visit us at bfm101; this complete teaching is available at this link; Parashat HaShavua .

Biblical Faith – with Sam Peak
Daily Torah series available Sunday-Friday.

Exodus 21:1–24:18; Fire is ever present in our surroundings and in our souls. It is our challenge to control fire and to transform it to positive power. It is within ourselves to control our actions in either “evil inclination” or “good inclination”.

We invite you to visit us at bfm101; this complete teaching is available at this link; Parashat HaShavua .

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