for Feb
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Archive for ‍‍ Shevat / Adar II 5767 - February 2007

Biblical Faith – with Sam Peak
Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

There are sufferings for the righteous as a means to spur them on to greater self-improvement. Thus a righteous person may suffer for the sins of his generation; suffering for the righteous is as atonement for all mankind. Whether these souls accomplish their mission is determined only by G-d. From: “The Way of G-d” by Rabbi Moshe Chayim Luzzatto.

DVD’s available through–subjects of interest are as follows: Kabbalah101, Jewish Studies, Parashot-HaShavua, The Way of G-d. Thank you for your support at UTN.

Biblical Faith – with Sam Peak
Daily Torah series available Sunday-Friday.

Exodus 21:1–24:18; Sefer haB’rit (The Book of the Convenant) spells out ways to arrive at mishpatim (rulings). This parashat begins: “V’eleh ha-mispatim asher tasim lifneihem (And these are the rulings you are to set before them).” Sefer haB’rit is not really a law code of commandments to be observed. Rather, it is a guide for writing rulings to add enforcement provisions to the principles of Aseret ha Dibrot (the Ten Words).

We invite you to visit us at bfm101; this complete teaching is available at this link; Parashat HaShavua .

Biblical Faith – with Sam Peak
Daily Torah series available Sunday-Friday.

Exodus 21:1–24:18; Sefer haB’rit (The Book of the Convenant) spells out ways to arrive at mishpatim (rulings). This parashat begins: “V’eleh ha-mispatim asher tasim lifneihem (And these are the rulings you are to set before them).”

We invite you to visit us at bfm101; this complete teaching is available at this link; Parashat HaShavua .

Light to the Nations – with Rabbi Chaim Richman
Weekly series of short messages concerning the weekly Torah Portion.

Mishpatim (Exodus 21:1-24:18)
Parashat Yitro is read on Shabbat:
Shvat 29, 5767/February 17 2007

Biblical Faith – with Sam Peak
Daily Torah series available Sunday-Friday.

Conclusion: The people saw:The voices; The torches; The blast of the shofar; The smoking mountain. The second and fourth images are visual. Paradoxically, the first and third images are actually audio images that at Sinai were perceived visually as well. This is because the experience reached such a deep point in the soul that the physical senses intermingled.

We invite you to visit us at bfm101; this complete teaching is available at this link; Parashat HaShavua .


Weekly Torah Studies

Continued: The people saw:The voices; The torches; The blast of the shofar; The smoking mountain. The second and fourth images are visual. Paradoxically, the first and third images are actually audio images that at Sinai were perceived visually as well. This is because the experience reached such a deep point in the soul that the physical senses intermingled.

We invite you to visit us at bfm101; this complete teaching is available at this link; Parashat HaShavua .

Light to the Nations – with Rabbi Chaim Richman
Weekly series with new shows available every Thursday.

Chapter 2 of Maimonides’ Beit HaBechira, (The Chosen House): More about the four horns of the altar.

(To learn more about the physical layout of the Holy Temple, please visit our Illustrated Tour.)

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