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Archive for ‍‍ Tevet / Shevat 5767 - January 2007


Weekly Torah Studies

Exodus 15:27; Elimah is the Oasis of transformation, both for the twelve tribes of Israel and the attached seventy nations. Remember the water comes from the spring and the fruit come from the tree.

We invite you to visit us at bfm101; you will find this complete teaching available at this link; Parashat HaShavua,


Exodus 16:2; “The entire assembly of the Children of Israel complained against Moshe and Aharon in the Wilderness.” The threat of hunger, be it real or imagined, causes one to overlook all their prinicples and commitments. As long as one is not freed of the anguish caused by the uncertainty of their subsistence, the goal of the Divine Torah cannot be realized. In this area, as in so many others, one is merely responsible to do their best, while believing truly that their ultimate success will be attained through the help of G-d.

We invite you to visit us at bfm101;you will find teaching in many subjects of interest. Kabbalah101, Parashat HaShavua, Jewish Studies, and “Derech HASHEM” the way of G-d and many others.


With the giving of the Torah, the G-d of Israel chose the descendants of Avraham, Yitzchak, and Ya’akov as His Chosen People, instructing them to fulfill the 613 Mitzvot of the Torah. G-d also adviced the righteous of the other nations of the world to keep the Seven Commandments of the Children of Noach and commanded Moshe and his people to teach them how. It was both the establishment of a new covenant and the strengthening of the old one.

DVD’s available through–subjects of interest are as follows: Kabbalah101, Jewish Studies, Parashot-HaShavua, The Way of G-d–Part 11. Thank you for your support at UTN.


Exodus 15:27; “They arrived at Elim, where there were twelve springs of water and seventy date-palms; they encamped there by the water.” The Sages teach us how shortsighted man is! Had the Children of Israel seen what a splendid oasis was close by, they surely would not have grumbled about the bitter water at Mirah. Chafetz Chaim זצ”ל notes: All our complaints come only because we are not aware of what is ahead of us. Rabbi Yehudah Ashlag זצ”ל notes: Compliants come from “the will to receive for self alone!”.

We invite you to visit us at bfm101;you will find teaching in many subjects of interest. Kabbalah101, Parashat HaShavua, Jewish Studies, and “Derech HASHEM” the way of G-d and many others.


Exodus 13:17; “It happenned…”, ויהי normally is a sign of joy but a sign of sadness. In the Zohar, we find an explanation to this sadness in which the Israelites took upon themselves. It is a natural condition of man to work and when he is unemployed he becomes dejected and confused. Thus, in a similiar sense when the Israelites left Mitzrayim the became depressed for how would they occupy themselves in the future? Only gradually did they truly become aware of their good fortune. This awareness reached its climax at the crossing of the Sea of Reeds.

We invite you to visit us at bfm101;you will find teaching in many subjects of interest. Kabbalah101, Parashat HaShavua, Jewish Studies, and “Derech HASHEM” the way of G-d and many others.

Light to the Nations – with Rabbi Chaim Richman
Weekly series of short messages concerning the weekly Torah Portion.

Beshallach (Exodus 13:17-17:16)
Parashat Beshallach is read on Shabbat:
Shvat 15, 5767/February 3, 2007

Rabbi Chaim Richman of Light to the Nations

A deep interpretation of the Song of the Sea, sung by Moshe and the children of Israel upon the crossing of the Sea of Reeds.

(Exodus 15:1-19)

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