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Archive for ‍‍ Nisan / Iyar 5769 - April 2009

Light to the Nations – with Rabbi Chaim Richman of The Temple Institute.

Weekly series with new teachings available every Thursday.

Maimonides’ Laws of the Chosen House, chapter 7: The land of Israel, the holiest land on earth, contains within it ascending levels of holiness. Level number two: walled cities.

Light to the Nations teachings are now available in mp3 audio files, and can be accessed through iTunes.

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Biblical Faith – with Sam Peak
Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

Seven things were created before the world: the Kisei haKavod (HaShems Glorious Throne); the Torah; the Beit haMikdosh; the Avot; Yisrael; the name of the Mashiach; and teshuva. Some also add Gan Eden and Gehinom. When HaShem instructed Moshe to tell Yisrael to build a Miskon HaShem said to him, “Moshe, My Beit Mikdoah already exists in heaven, as Jerimiah 17:12 states, ‘The Kisei haKavod, high from the first; the place of our Beit haMikdosh.’ There is the Haychol and there is My Glorious Throne.”

To contact Biblical Faith, please click here

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak
Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

“Handbook of the jewish thoughts”

The Oral Torah was handed down by word of mouth from Moshe to Joshua, then to the Elders, the Prophets, and the Great Assembly. The Great Assembly was the Sanhedrin led by Ezra, at the beginning of the time of the second Temple, which undertook to enact legislation that would make Judaism viable in the Diaspora.

The Great Assembly codified much of the Oral Torah in a form that could be memorized by the students. This codification was known as the Mishnah (משנה). One reason for this name was that it was meant to be reviewed (shanah, שנה, to repeat) over and over until memorized. The word also denoted that the Mishnah was secondary (sheni, שני) to the written Torah.

It was required that the oral tradition be handed down word for word, exactly as it had been taught. The sages who taught the fist Mishnah were known as Tannaim (תנאים), Tanna (תנא) in the singular. This word comes from the Aramaic word tanna (תנא) equivalent to the Hebrew shanah (שנה), meaning to repeat.

Although the Oral Torah was meant to be transmitted by word of mouth, it was permissible to keep personal records. Therefore, many individuals would write down personal notes of what was taught in the academics. This was especially true of teachings that were not often reviewed. Many also added marginal notes to the Biblical scrolls which they used to study.

To contact Biblical Faith, please click here

Shmuel “Sam” Peak teachings are now available in mp3 audio files, and can be accessed through i Tunes.

“You shall be holy like I am holy.” (Leviticus 19:2) How can we become holy as G-d is holy? Certainly, we are expected to live within the guidelines set out by Torah. Yet, to a certain extent a person can conduct himself as “a scoundrel with the permission of the Torah,” that is, live within the laws of Torah, but, nevertheless, lead a self-centered hedonistic life, never drawing nearer to G-d. But to make ourselves holy, we need to live responsibly and with commitment to G-d, even within the permitted parameters of Torah.
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Acharei Mot – Kedoshim (Leviticus 16:1-20-27)
Parashat Acharei Mot – Kedoshim is read on Shabbat:
Iyar 8, 5769/May 2, 2009

Light to the Nations teachings are now available in mp3 audio files, and can be accessed through iTunes.

Light to the Nations – with Rabbi Chaim Richman of The Temple Institute.

Weekly series with new teachings available every Thursday.

On the surface, the land of Israel is just like any other land. But the land of Israel, the land chosen by G-d, is embued with inherent holiness. Within the land itself, there exist ten levels of increasing sanctity.

Light to the Nations teachings are now available in mp3 audio files, and can be accessed through iTunes.

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Bat Melech, with Rena Richman.

The next Bat Melech teaching will appear on April 22, 2009, (Nissan 29, 5769).

Part III of a series in which Rena explores and shares the great spiritual depths of the righteous women who protected the children of Israel from the evil decree of Pharaoh, and prepared them for their eventual exodus from bondage and emergence as a free people. Miriam was a women of prophetic vision, a teacher of her generation, whose unique ability was in channeling her love of G-d into creative outlets through which all the children of Israel can express themselves.

Bat Melech teachings are now available in mp3 audio files, can also be subscribed to in iTunes.

Biblical Faith – with Sam Peak
Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

We see, then, that the word of HaShem comes down from heaven to the Kodesh haKoddoshim between the Cruvim above the Caporess. Then it makes a ninety degree turn through the poles of the Oron and proceeds into the Haychol (which is the equivalent, in the Beit haMikdosh, or the Mishkon or “Ohel Moayd” in the desert), onto the golden or “inner” mizbayach, and from there to the doorway of the Haychol, where the prophet receives it.

To contact Biblical Faith, please click here

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