A note from the webmaster.
It has come to our attention that a few people have been contacted regarding donations for dedications made on UTN shows.
Be it known to all that these individuals do not represent UTN, The Temple Institute, Biblical Faith Ministries or any other authorized entity. UTN and its programmers do not solicit donations in any way for UTN, with the exception being invitations to participate which are found only on the UTN web site itself, and contact is only further initiated with you in the form of donation acknowledgments. Dedications made are on a one-time basis, unless otherwise specified by the donor, and are not required to be further funded.
Furthermore, we do not share your private information with anyone else outside of our own organizations and payment processors. We have no reason to believe that any of our security has been breached or trusts violated that would divulge your personal information. On the contrary, we believe this to be the work of some very twisted scam artist(s) who have nothing better to do than prey on unsuspecting, generous people. All of us are deeply troubled by this.
If you are contacted by anyone soliciting dedication requests or “renewals” (or any other suspicious solicitations), please send us as much information as possible so that we can investigate these fraudulent activities.
Again, we are deeply concerned about this. Please rely on and trust the links on our websites.