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Archive for ‍‍ Menahem Av / Elul 5771 - August 2011

Bat Melech – with Rena Richman
Bat Melech teachings appear every second Wednesday.
Next Show: To Be Announced

The women of the desert and the feminine spiritual energy, strength and determination that they were able to tap into and channel enabled them to shepherd the entire generation out of the holocaust of Egypt, throughout the forty years of the wilderness experience, and ultimately into the land of Israel.

This is the fourth and concluding segment of Rena’s teaching, originally recorded in Dallas, Texas. Included are a question and answer session.

Dedication: This show is dedicated to all the Noahides we met in Dallas.
TODA RABA / Thank You all so much!

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Temple Talk is a weekly internet radio webcast with Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven of the Temple Institute.

This week features:

The Month of Elul: Out Here in the Field

Taking Torah into the Land, Plugging it in, Turning it On & Lighting Up Our World

Judges and Officers at Your GatesThe judicial system, the police force, the executive and the military are all featured in this week’s Torah reading of Shoftim, which describes how each of these facets of society are connected one to the other, how all of them are expressions of G-d’s will for the nation of Israel, and how each of them are intrinsically connected to the Holy Temple, the heart and the soul of the nation.

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Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Chapter 5
Mishnah 16 and 17
These are the precepts whose fruits a person enjoys in this world, but whose principles remains intact for him in the World to Come; . . . early attendance at the house of study morning and evening . . . and the study of Torah is equivalent to them all.
In this passage, attendance at the house of study is listed separately from the study of Torah because each has its own merit.
There is another reason why the reward for going to study is separate from the reward of the study itself. Going is a physical action, whereas study is an intellectual action, and because the two actions are inherently different they are rewarded independently.

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As Moses continues to flesh out G-d’s plan for a Torah based society in the land of Israel, one thing becomes crystal clear: The Holy Temple from which shines forth the Divine presence, (Shechina), is the light and the source of justice – how we treat our fellow man, and worship – how we stand before G-d. We cannot achieve justice between men if we do not stand before G-d, and we cannot stand before G-d if we do not seek justice between men.

Shoftim (Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9)
Parashat Shoftim is read on Shabbat:
Elul 4, 5771/September 3, 2011

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Light to the Nations – with Rabbi Chaim Richman
Bi-weekly series with new teachings available every second Thursday.
Next time on Light to the Nations:
The Temple Offerings, Part VIII

On Top of the Altar
Much work had to be done each morning to clear away yesterday’s ashes from the altar and to refresh the fire. It was the responsibility of the single kohen who was chosen in the dawn lottery to perform all these tasks.

Dedication: Dedicated to Karen Spitz in honor of her birthday!

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Temple Talk is a weekly internet radio webcast with Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven of the Temple Institute.

This week features:

Preparing to Enter the Land of Israel: It’s a Vision Thing

Moses makes certain Israel possesses the keys she will need to make G-d’s plan a reality!

 Tu b'AvOpen your eyes: Every one of our five sense must rise to the occasion as we prepare to enter the land of Israel and fulfill our purpose for being here! Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven discuss this week’s Torah reading of Re’eh. Moshe addressed the generation that was entering the land then, but his message of total commitment to the land of Israel and to the place that G-d shall choose for His Holy Presence – the Shechina – to dwell, applies to our generation more than ever.

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As Moses prepares the nation to enter the land he stays focused on the one great challenge that lays before him and the people: To take a congregation of individuals and forge them into one mighty nation, united and dedicated to creating a Torah infused reality in the land of Israel.

Re’eh (Deuteronomy 1:26-16:17)
Parashat Re’eh is read on Shabbat:
Av 27, 5771/August 27, 2011

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