Archive for Elul 5771 / Tishre 5772 - September 2011
Temple Talk is a weekly internet radio webcast with Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven of the Temple Institute.
This week features:
Parashat Nitzavim: The Distance Between Heaven and Earth
Elul, September & the Land of Israel: It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times
This is a Temple Talk you cannot miss! Are we getting the most out of the month of Elul ? In an appeal that is both passionate and personal, Rabbi Richman and Yitzchak Reuven take us to deeper levels of meaning than ever before, as they examine the unique nature of this month, especially in the light of its confluence with this week’s double Torah portions of Nitzavim and Va’yalech, and the rumbles, rumors and realities of the situation that Israel faces this week. Does Israel have cause for anxiety? Yitzchak shares a personal story of a message that Hashem sent him which brought him to a higher level of Elul -consciousness, and Rabbi Richman recounts a story of bravery, betrayal and faith. Are these the best of times, or the worst of times? Tune into this week’s high-voltage Temple Talk and find out!
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Prophetic Torah – with Rabbi Avraham Sutton
Bi-weekly series with new teachings available every second Wednesday.
Next time on The Return of Prophecy:
To be announced
The Return of Prophecy
Prophecy existed many years ago in the land of Israel and we have been promised that it will return at the end of days. Where are we in that timeline and how can we tap into some of that prophetic energy that is making its way back to mankind? The brilliant and much beloved Rabbi Avraham Sutton has so much Torah that he hopes to share in this new teaching series.
The following PDF files accompany today’s teaching:
The Return of Prophecy, And Avram Called Out
Dedication: Dedicated by Cara Sample: “Thank you Rabbi Sutton for being there for those who are reaching out. Shalom V’Bracha.”
Temple Institute Links:
Program Link – Website – Dedications – Support – Newsletter – Contact Us
Temple Talk is a weekly internet radio webcast with Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven of the Temple Institute.
This week features:
Taking Possession of the Land of Israel: Then and Now
Ki Tavo: Coming into the Land, Coming into the New Year: Complacency is NOT an Option!
Israel is obliged not only to enter the land of Israel, to conquer it and possess it and to build within it a Torah-based society, but at the same time to make it vividly and preeminently and undeniably and unquestionably and unassailably clear to all the nations around her, that the people of Israel and the land of Israel are united forever by the Torah of Israel and that it is the supernal will of the G-d of Israel that Israel shall dwell within her land forever. This is the message of Ki Tavo and this is the message of today’s current upheavals.
Temple Institute Links:
Program Link – Website – Support – Newsletter – Contact Us
Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak
Chapter 5
Mishnah 18b and 19
In Mishnah 19 we find an explanation of the power that lies within the number one, for love is union, and unity endures.
Something that consists of parts, but is an integral whole, has no weakness from within, and no vulnerable seam where destruction forces could take hold. Therefore a solid entity will endure, because there is no factor, internal or external, that will bring it to an end.
Love that is purely union with another, with no element of gain to be had from the relationship, is just such an entity. It has the internal strength of integrity, and it is immune to external attack. Such love endures forever.
The twelve massive stones Israel is commanded to to take from the Jordan River bed from the very spot upon which the feet of the priests who held the Ark of the Covenant stood, and to stand upright and build with them an altar and write upon them the entire Torah, are not mere markers or billboards. These stones’ function is to make real Israel’s eternal unbreakable bond to the land promised us by G-d.
Ki Tavo (Deuteronomy 26:1-29:8)
Parashat Ki Tavo is read on Shabbat:
Elul 18, 5771/September 17, 2011
Temple Institute Links:
Program Link – Website – Support – Newsletter – Contact Us
Light to the Nations – with Rabbi Chaim Richman
Bi-weekly series with new teachings available every second Thursday.
Next time on Light to the Nations:
Rosh HaShana
Each day a single kohen was chosen in the dawn lottery to perform all the many tasks involved in conducting the daily Tamid offering.
Dedication: Dedicated to Yosef Ellis.
Temple Institute Links:
Program Link – Website – Dedications – Support – Newsletter – Contact Us
Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak
Chapter 5
Mishnah 18
The Oral Law is rich and complex, and incorporates many opinions about each subject. Mishnah 1 through 18 form a self-contained section of Chapter 5. The theme of this Mishnah is that G-d created the world and maintains its existence in conjunction with mankind.
G-d created the world at three levels. The lowest level is the physical existence, and the highest level is spiritual existence. The intermediate level is the plane of form and concept, which, although intangible, are found only in conjunction with substance.
Dedicated to Verne and Gilda John