Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak
Chapter 5
Mishnah 25
A man is not a complete entity without a wife. As the Rabbis say: Whoever does not have a wife is not an Adam (person), as it says: “On the day G-d created mankind. . .male and female He created them, and He blessed them and called their name Adam.”
A man’s physical growth is it at its peak at eighteen, and then it is time to grow in another dimension, by expanding his life to include another. This stage of life begins at eighteen and continues until twenty, when he is ready to provide leadership in the household.
It is noteworthy that eighteen is a quarter of man’s life span of seventy years. In this way our lives parallel the sun, which reaches the zenith of its strength at noon, after one quarter of its 24-hour cycle.
Dedicated to Peggy Wingate