For the first time in many years, a large gathering of Jews were able to pray, sing and say blessings while on the Temple Mount, unhindered by nearby police. The contingent of Jewish worshipers was led by Knesset members Michael Ben Ari and Uri Ariel, as well as Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, founder of the Temple Institute, and other prominent rabbis and public figures.
Rabbi Ariel, who was among the Israeli paratroopers who liberated the Temple Mount in the Six Day War, can be heard saying, “I have waited forty five years to be able to say the shehechianu, (blessing of thanks), here on the Temple Mount.”
In addition to prayer, song and blessings, a number of worshipers performed the commandment of hishtachavia (prostration), which applies to the Temple Mount.
The group was accompanied by journalists and cameramen representing Israel’s major news outlets. The worshipers exited the Mount in song. No violence or protest occurred.
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