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Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

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As the Torah consists of words and meanings, people are ranked, according to their wisdom in Torah, on ten different levels.
First level: people who study the Chumash and the rest of the Scriptures, and are satisfied with their ability to read the text without understanding the meaning.
Second level: people who try to read and correctly and follow the vowels, and who concentrate most of their efforts on learning the methods of vocalization.
Third level: people who, recognizing the insufficiency of the above-mentioned levels, try to understand the reasons behind vocalization and accentuation.
Fourth level: people who add to what has been mentioned above the explanation of the difficult words in Scripture and the plain sense of the text, and who, in addition, investigate the figurative and the literal meaning of the words in the Hebrew language.
Fifth level: people who add to what has been mentioned above the knowledge of the meaning of the Scriptures; the understanding of its principles; the investigation of metaphorical and literal meanings, such as the anthropomorphic expression in Scripture.
Sixth level: people who rely on the tradition of the Early Ones; namely, the Mishnah, and attain knowledge of some of the Torah obligations, commandments, and laws without consulting the Talmud.
Seventh level: people who add, to all that has been mentioned, the study of the Talmud. They devote themselves to reciting its text and reading its decisions, without answering the questions that arise or resolving its difficulties.
Eighth level: people who are not satisfied with the knowledge of the Torah that satisfies those mentioned above, but who exert themselves to understand the words of the Talmudic Masters, to answer the question and resolve the difficulties, in order to gain through this fame and honor.
Ninth level: people who exert themselves to know the duties of the heart and the limbs, and what is determined to right conduct; who understand the plain sense of the Holy Scriptures as well as the inter meaning.
Tenth level: people who have inherited from the prophets and the wisdom of the Torah, with all its interpretations and the branches of its fundamental principles.

Dedicated to Ollie and Bea Baldridge

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