Biblical Faith Shows
Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak
Duties of the Heart: Humility
The story is told of a king before whom a man was sentenced, and a whip was brought for punishment. The king said to the man, “As HaShem lives, were it not it not for my great anger with you, I would have taken strict revenge against anger with you, I would have taken strict revenge against you.” And then he pardoned him. [That is, precisely because the King grew angry did he decide not to discipline the man; for he did not think it proper to satisfy anger.] It is related further of him that he used to say, “I know of no offense heavy enough to outweigh my meekness.”
Program Link – Read the Torah w/Shmuel – Contact– DVD available @ 1-800-639-0169
Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak
Duties of the Heart: Humility
The story is told of a king before whom a man was sentenced, and a whip was brought for punishment. The king said to the man, “As HaShem lives, were it not it not for my great anger with you, I would have taken strict revenge against anger with you, I would have taken strict revenge against you.” And then he pardoned him. [That is, precisely because the King grew angry did he decide not to discipline the man; for he did not think it proper to satisfy anger.] It is related further of him that he used to say, “I know of no offense heavy enough to outweigh my meekness.”
Program Link – Read the Torah w/Shmuel – Contact– DVD available @ 1-800-639-0169
Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak
When you prosper and when you suffer, when you intend to serve HaShem and when you consider sin.
If its arrows do not reach you in the ways mentioned, it will lie in wait for you in your seasons of prosperity and also when you suffer hardship.
When all is going according to your wishes, it will say to you:
“It is the result of your own effort, ingenuity and cleverness. You should therefore [continue to] exert yourself in your secular airs and labor hard at them, in order to maintain your present standard and even rise above it. Embrace these days happily and take pleasure in them, for n a very short while you will be called by name, and you will answer HaShem [and descend] into the darkness of the grave, where there is no action or movement, no pleasure or pain.”
Program Link – Read the Torah w/Shmuel – Contact– DVD available @ 1-800-639-0169
Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak
“Beware of laziness and sloth, and rely on no one but yourself. For you have control of the good and the bad: you have the power to be active or passive. Exert yourself with all your strength, and labor with all your energy, and you will attain all you desire of worldly pleasures. Do all that you can to avoid the causes of misfortune, and you will escape them, as the Wise One said: ‘Thorne and snare are in the twisted path; he who guards himself will keep far from them’ (Mishlei 22:5); ‘A man folly wraps his way, yet his heart rages against HaShem’ (Mishlei 19:3); ‘This is your own doing’ (Malachi 1:9).”
And so [the evil inclination] changes its argument, at times [basing it] on compulsion and predetermination, at other times on justice and free will, as the occasion suites it to mislead and weaken you.
For the Elevation of the Soul: Tamara Berry
Program Link – Read the Torah w/Shmuel – Contact– DVD available @ 1-800-639-0169
Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak
When it sees that you want to clear your mind (and turn your attention) to acts (that will make you worthy) of the next world, such as obligatory or optional prayer, or when you read the Torah or study any field relating to faith or morals, it will try to confuse and distract you with worldly matters—a thought of business, buying and selling, profit and loses. It will say to you:
“You should gladly welcome this free time, of this idle period, since, because of your busy schedule you may not have such an opportunity at another time. Now is the time to make an accounting with your partner of your assets and liability: how much you have collected of what is due you and how much is outstanding. (Think now about) which means to a lively hood re suitable for you and which are not; (recall) which of your ventures gave you satisfaction and which you regretted. If you have a case pending in court, review in your mind all of your opponent’s pleas and you’re your own; (think of) different strategies to outwit and defeat him in the case of tried.”
Dedicated to UniversalTorah network
Program Link – Read the Torah w/Shmuel – Contact– DVD available @ 1-800-639-0169
Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak
“I am happy that you serve HaShem, that you trust in Him deeply and rely on Him in all your affairs, and that you freed your mind from the thought that any creature can help you without the Creator. You are indeed one who trusts in HaShem truly and wholeheartedly.
“However, it is not right that you conceal from your fellowmen the high degree of piety that you have attained. Now that you have attained mastery over yourself and have overcome your passions, it is proper to show your deeds to people and reveal your heart to them. This way you will be honored by them in this world and will leave a good name among them, as it says in Scripture: ‘I will give them in My House and within My walls a monument and a name, better than the sons or daughters’ (Yeshiyahu 56:5); ‘I will make you a great name, a name like the great ones in the land’ (Shmuel II, 7:9).
“Moreover, people will learn from your conduct, and you will be rewarded through them. Therefore, do not hide from them your deeds, except those that it is impossible to reveal and to show other people. You will have honor and prestige in this world, and a goodly reward in the World-to-Come.”
For the Elevation of the Soul: Eugene Narrett
Program Link – Read the Torah w/Shmuel – Contact– DVD available @ 1-800-639-0169
Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak
When the Yetzer harah gives up hope of seducing you in various ways, it will try to do so in regard to reward and punishment. First, it will try to make you doubt reward and punishment in this world. It will say, “If [reward and punishment] were meted out in just fashion, the wicked would not prosper, and the righteous would not suffer affliction,” a claim that has been mentioned previously, in the Fourth Gate teaching.
But when the intellect reveals to you the ways of justice in both these cases, as already mentioned in the Gate of Trust in G-d, this doubt will disappear, and your heart will be relieved of its confusion.
For the Elevation of the Soul: John Culver
Program Link – Read the Torah w/Shmuel – Contact– DVD available @ 1-800-639-0169