for Feb
Toda Raba!
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Biblical Faith Shows

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Chapter 5

Mishnah 12 and 13

He is average because he has a perfect right to keep his property to himself, according to Torah Law. He is not generous enough to be called, scrupulously pious, but neither is he covetous of other’s things.

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Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Chapter 5
Mishnah 11

HaShem’s Name is identified with the Land of Yisra’el and hence those who dwell in the Land of Yisra’el can especially recognize that He is G-d.
The Land of Yisra’el is called a holy land.
The Land of Yisra’el is called the land of life. It is the center of the world in the sense that it is the central point that gives meaning to all other aspects of life.
Sabbatical year is unique to the holy Land of Yisra’el.

Dedicated to Marty and Pat Morrill

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Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Chapter 5
Mishnah 11

Pestilence has two attributes. It comes forcefully and it destroys without regard to innocence or guilt. The forcefulness of pestilence makes it a fitting punishment for not enforcing the harsh decree of law. The fact that pestilence attacks without discrimination befits the transgression of Sabbatical year produce which should have been put into a place where anyone or anything could get it.

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Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Chapter 5
Mishnah 9 and 10
Objects have six sides: top, bottom, front, back, right and left. The six sides have no area in common with each other, but the center is a common point of reference for all sides.
The center joins opposite sides and links the different directions together.
In summary, every physical object has seven parts: six sides and the center. The center is the reference point that links the other six parts together; it is the seventh part. For it is reason the number 7 is used as the symbol of order.

Dedicated to Sue Brown

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Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Chapter 5
Mishnah 8 and 9
These ten things were created at the final instant that joined Shabbat to the preceding days. It would be problematic to say that these things were created in an instant if they were physical, because physical things cannot appear instantly, but are subject to time. However, the thing that was created was the supernatural root from which the physical object would derive later in history. Since the aspect that was created at twilight was non-physical, it did not require any duration of time.

Program LinkRead the Torah Portion with ShmuelContact

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.


Mishnah 8

Rabbi Levi Yitschak of Berditchev wrote a commentary on Parsha Emor that begins with speaking to the Kohanim, the sons of Aharon, and say to them the Kohen must not become defiled on pain of death.
The subject here deals with the four different universes (Assiyah, Yetsirah, Briyah and Atzilut). In each of these worlds there is life and death. We here in this world experience both life and death. We also are able to visualize life and death in Olam HaYetsirah, the world just above us. For want of a better term we will call this world “Deber” the world of speech. According to the Torah, HaShem created it by speech. When a human being abuses the power of speech, speaking “Loshon hora” uttering vain things or even lies that person is perceived as killing life in the domain of Yetsirah.
When a human being employs the power of speech constructively that individual is considered as giving life to the world of Yetsirah. This condition is called “life” has already been referred to by King Salmon (Proverbs 18:21) “Life and death are in the power of speech”. Abuse of the power of speech is the most important element to guard against if you want to serve HaShem.

Dedicated to Rene and Alicia Ybarra

Program LinkRead the Torah Portion with ShmuelContact

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

Chapter 5
Mishnah 7
No serpent or scorpion ever bit an individual fatally in Yerushalaiyim. The sanctity of the city protected its inhabitants so that the many snakes and scorpions found in Yerushalaiyim miraculously did no harm.
Homiletically, Rauch Chaim explains our Mishnah based on Talmudic axiom, it is not the snake, but rather the sin that kills. Sin is deadly; the venomous snake is nothing more than HaShem’s agent of punishment.

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