for Feb
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Biblical Faith Shows

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

Mishnah 5
Chapter 7d
Throngs of pilgrims gathered in the Temple Courtyard on the festivals and Yom Kippur, filling the Courtyard to capacity. Yet miraculously, though there was not even enough room to stand comfortably, each individual had ample room to prostrate themselves and con fess their sins on Yom Kippur, or to recite personal prayers on the festivals, without being overheard by their neighbors.
The Temple Courtyard was so crowded that many people were literally suspended in midair, with their feet off the ground. Nonetheless, they were able to bow down comfortably.

Dedicated to Brody and Jan Gibson

Program LinkRead the Torah Portion with ShmuelContact

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

Mishnah 5
Chapter 7
The meat of offerings was slaughtered, butchered, and washed on marble tables erected in the Temple Courtyard, just to the north of the Altar. Even though the blood and internal tissue and organs normally attracted flies, they were miraculously never seen on the meat, nor in the Temple slaughterhouse, a phenomenon that was indicative of the Divine Presence resting in the Temple.

Program LinkRead the Torah Portion with ShmuelContact

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

Chapter 5

Mishnah 7b

Ten Miracles were preformed for our ancestors in the Holy Temple; No woman miscarried because of the aroma of the sacrificial meat; the sacrificial meat never became putrid; no fly was seen in the place where the meat was butchered; no seminal emission occurred to the High Priest on Yom Kippur; the rains did not extinguished the fire on the Altar; no disqualification was found in the Omer, or in the Two Loaves, or in the Showbread; the people stood crowded together, yet prostrated themselves in ample space; neither serpent nor scorpion ever caused injury in Yerushalaiyim, nor did any man say to his fellow, the space is insufficient for me to stay overnight in Yerushalaiyim.

Dedicated to Sam Lara

Program LinkRead the Torah Portion with ShmuelContact

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

Chapter 5

Mishnah 6 and 7
With ten trials did our ancestors test the Holy One, Blessed is He, in the Wilderness.
Two at the Red Sea; Two for lack of water; Two about manna; Two complaints that were answered with quail; and Two that displayed their lack of faith in HaShem.

Program LinkRead the Torah Portion with ShmuelContact

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

Chapter 5
Mishnah 5
Ten miracles were performed for our ancestors.
The ten miracles are the ten plaques that HaShem brought on behalf of the Children of Yisra’el, when He took them out of Egypt.
Rambam considers the tem miracles to be the fact that the Jews were saved from the ten plaques. The plaques afflicted the land of Mitzrayim but miraculously bypassed the Jews. For example, if a Jew and an Egyptian were together during the plaque of darkness, the Egyptian would experience darkness and the Jew would have light.

Dedicated to Glen and Michelle Magnusson.

Program LinkRead the Torah Portion with ShmuelContact

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

Chapter 5
Mishnah 4
Our forefather Avraham was tested with ten trials.
Why did HaShem test Avraham? HaShem knew what Avraham was like without conducting a test.
HaShem desires a good person’s righteousness to be actively apparent. He tests good people so that their righteous response will serve as a role model for the rest of humanity. HaShem endowed Avraham with many good qualities so that, through his righteous reputation, he would serve as a mentor to the entire human race.

In memory of Vera Cressman.

Program LinkRead the Torah Portion with ShmuelContact

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

Mishnah 2 and 3
A person functions at three levels. The highest level is tzelem, a reference to mankind’s image of G-d, an aspect of which is the independent spirit of individual existence. The middle level is tzurah, which literally means form. It is the aspect of personality that seeks to impose form and structure on things, on oneself and on others. The level called chomer, is the physical, pragmatic plane of existence. The qualities of tzelem and tzurah are, of course, more spiritual and intellectual whereas chomer is totally physical.

In memory of Vera Cressman

Program LinkRead the Torah Portion with ShmuelContact

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