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Biblical Faith Shows

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

Chapter 5
Mishnah 1d

How do the wicked destroy the world?
G-d maintains the world’s existence because of its value in bringing mankind close to Him through the mitzvaot. Without mitzvaot, mankind would be insignificant; indeed the first man was given seven commandments on the day of creation. In the time of Noach these commandments were not obeyed and the world lost its justification for existence. Scripture relates: “And He destroyed every living thing which was upon the face of the earth, whether man or animals or creeping things or birds of the heaven.”

Program LinkRead the Torah Portion with ShmuelContact

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

Chapter 5
Mishnah 1c

The fact that physical Creation is imbued with holiness is hinted at by the ‘for with the “yud” and the “hei” G-d fashioned the worlds’ Yeshiyahu (Isaiah) 26:4. With these two letters He created the world and the World to Come.
The letter “yud”, is the instrument through which He created the World to Come. It is a place of holiness and the Divine Presence, appropriately symbolized by the tenth letter, “yud.”
G-d created this world through the letter

“hei.” Since G-d is One, the world He created will in some way reflect G-d’s unity. On the other hand, the material world is very different from G-d and therefore it must have the ability to have multiple, separate components.

In memory of: Rabbi Udi and Ruth Fogel and children: Yoav, Elad, and Hadas

Program LinkRead the Torah Portion with ShmuelContact

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

Chapter 5
Mishnah 1b

The following illustrate the sanctity that is associated with the numbers ten:

a)    The Divine Presence comes to a group of ten people gathered for joint study or prayer.

b)    The Ten Commandments

c)    The creation of the World to Come is hinted at in Scripture through the letter yud, which is the tenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

d)    The number ten expresses the following properties of holiness:

e)    Holiness is a total, encompassing principle; it is not specific items.

f)     It is complete, whole and not divisible.

g)    Holiness exerts a unifying influence, since it is a quality of the one G-d.

Program LinkRead the Torah Portion with ShmuelContact

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

Chapter 5
Mishnah 1a
The Messages of Numbers
The Hebrew language is unique, because Hebrew words describe not only an object but its very essence. For example, the Hebrew word for “eye” means both the anatomical eye and the essence of vision. Similarly, the numbers quoted in the mishnayot of this chapter have a deeper meaning which transcends mere quantity.

Dedicated to Jerry and Penny Dean

Program LinkRead the Torah Portion with ShmuelContact

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

Mishnah 29b
Rabbi Elazar HaKappar says: Blessed is He, before Whom there is no iniquity, no forgetfulness, no favoritism and no acceptance of bribery, for everything is His.
Rambam explains “no acceptance of bribery” to mean that HaShem’s judgment is not affected by the fact that a person has done many mitzvoth. He explains the Mishnah to mean that no matter how many mitzvoth one has credit, one is punished for each transgression and rewarded for every mitzvah, because mitzvoth and sins do not cancel each other.

Program LinkRead the Torah Portion with ShmuelContact

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

Mishnah 29

Rabbi Elazar HaKappar says: the living will be judged.

The closer on is to HaShem, the closer one is to receiving judgment. As an example, Rosh Hashanah is the time of judgment because HaShem comes close to the world on those days. However, the dead, for their part, are not close to HaShem, and hence only the living will be judged. The living refers to both those who are alive now and those who will be living after the dead return to life.

Dedicated to: Steve and Barbara Claus

Program LinkRead the Torah Portion with ShmuelContact

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Weekly series with new shows available every Tuesday.

Mishnah 28b
Three things removed the first man from the Garden of Eden. The tree from which he ate appealed to him these three traits; therefore, dragging Adam from the exemplary character of his Creator.
Jealousy: associated with the spirit.
Lust: associated with the body.
Glory: associated with the image of G-d in which mankind was created, for that image deserves honor.

Program LinkRead the Torah Portion with ShmuelContact

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