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Biblical Faith Shows

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

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Scripture has indeed likened the fool to the blind, wisdom to light, and ignorance to darkness, saying: “I saw that there is advantage in wisdom over ignorance, like the advantage of light over darkness. The wise man — his eyes are in his head, but the fool walk in darkness” (Koheles 2:13-14); “You deaf ones, listen! and you blind ones, look and see!” (Yeshiyahu 42:18). It has likened wisdom and instruction to the tree of life, saying: “It is a tree of life to those who hold fast to it, and those who take hold of it are happy” (Mishlei 3:18); “For they are life to he who finds them” (Mishlei 4:22).
May HaShem, in His Mercy and Compassion, show us the way to knowledge of Him, direct us to His service, and help us find favor before Him. Amein.

Dedicated to Chuck and Karen Eudy

Program LinkRead the Torah w/ShmuelContactEmunah Channel

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Emunah channel is here. For Info

A wise man once said: “The more one knows about G-d, the more one is perplexed about His nature.” Another said: “The man with the most profound understanding of the Creator is the one who least understands the true nature of the essence of His glory; but the man who does not understand Him thinks he understands the essence of His glory.”
A wise man was once asked about the Creator: “What is He?”
“G-d is One,” he answered.
“What is He like?” was the next question.
“He is a great King.”
“And where is He?”
“On the watch.”
“That is not what I was asking about!” objected the questioner.
The wise man then said to him: “You have questioned me in language that suggests attributes applicable to the created, but inapplicable to the Creator. The attributes that should be affirmed of our Creator, May He be exalted, are those which I have mentioned to you, for otherwise it would be impossible for us to know Him.”

Dedicated to Chuck and Karen Eudy

Program LinkRead the Torah w/ShmuelContactEmunah Channel

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Emunah channel is here. For Info

Our perception of existing things take place in one of three ways: (1) through the physical senses; sight, hearing, taste, smell , touch; (2) through the intellect, by bringing proofs about an existing thing from its indications and actions, until the true nature of its existence and essences is confirmed by what is apprehended through the senses. This is what is called in Scripture “knowledge” and “intellectual discipline”; and (3) through a truthful and reliable tradition.
Since it is impossible to perceive the Creator through the senses, the only way we can perceive Him is through truthful tradition or through proofs of Him that are drawn from evidence of His works.

Dedicated to Dr. Don and Karen Specht

Program LinkRead the Torah w/ShmuelContactEmunah Channel

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Emunah channel is here. For Info

The foolish and ignorant person will conceive of the Creator, may He be exalted, according to the literal sense of the Scripture phrase. If he assumes the service of G-d and tries to act for the sake of His glory, then his ignorance and lack of intelligence excuse him, as a man is held accountable only according to the power and depth of his intellect, his physical stamina, and his material means. If, however, he is capable of attaining wisdom and yet neglects it, he is held accountable for it and is punished for his inadequacy and disregard of study.

Dedicated to Dr. Don and Karen Specht

Program LinkRead the Torah w/ShmuelContactEmunah Channel

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Emunah channel is here. For Info

The absolute “one” is also of two kinds: the theoretical and the actual.
The theoretical “one” is the numerical “one,” the foundation and beginning of all numbering. It is the sign and symbol of a beginning before which there is no beginning, for every absolute beginning is called “one,” as it says: “There was evening there was morning, one day (Bereishit 1:5). Instead of saying “the first day,” the verse says “one day,” because “one” is the term for any beginning before which there is no beginning. When doubled, it is called “second”; when tripled “third,” and so on, until ten, when it returns to the number one; it then goes onto one hundred, a thousand, and so on, without end. The definition of number is therefore the sum of many ones.
The second kind of absolute “one” exists actually. It is that which cannot be increased, changed, of transformed; nor can it be described by any one of the physical attributes. It is not subject to creation and destruction, or to any ending. It neither changes position nor moves. It is not like anything, nor is anything like it, nor is it associated with anything.

Dedicated to the healing of Sun Brisky bat Sook Choi

Program LinkRead the Torah w/ShmuelContactEmunah Channel

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Emunah channel is here. For Info

If it were possible for the Creator to be more than one, there might have been disagreement between the creators in regard to the creating, and the Creation might not have been accomplished by them. Since we find that the whole world follows one order, and uniform motion is found in all its parts, never changing throughout the generations, we can be certain that its Creator and Governor is one. No one beside Him can alter His work or change His rule, as it says: “Who, as I, can call out the generations from the start? Let him foretell it and arrange it for Me” (Yeshiyahu 44:7); and as David Melech said: “Forever, G-d, Your word stands firm in the heavens. Your faithfulness is for all generations; You have established the earth, and it endures” (Tehillim 119:89-90).

Dedicated to the healing of Sun Brisky bat Sook Choi

Program LinkRead the Torah w/ShmuelContactEmunah Channel

Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Emunah channel is here. For Info

Arguments [for the proposition] the HaShem is One: Since it has been demonstrated by way of logical argument that the world has a Creator, it is now our duty to inquire as to whether He is one or more than one. It is necessary to prove the true nature of his oneness from seven different perspectives.
The first argument is drawn from examining the causes of existing things. For when we consider these causes, we find that they are fewer than their effect. The further back we go in tracing the causes of causes; the fewer causes we find; the higher we ascend [the hierarchy of causes], the lower their number becomes, until finally, when we reach the top, there is only one cause, the causes of all causes.
The second argument is drawn from the signs of wisdom which are manifest throughout this world, in its upper and lower regions, in its minerals, vegetation, and animals. When we study the world, it shows us that it is entirely the plan of one Designer, the work of a single Creator.
The third argument is based on the fact that the entire world was brought into existence from nonexistence.

Dedicated to Willie and Dickie Sue Kitchens

Program LinkRead the Torah w/ShmuelContactEmunah Channel

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