for Feb
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Temple Talk is a weekly internet radio webcast with Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven of the Temple Institute.

This week features:

Beam Me Up, Abdullah: The Trekkie’s Guide to the Temple Mount

Science Fiction, Temple Mount, The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan: Connect the Dots

Star Trek KingAs Israel begins the third book of the Torah, Vayikra  (Leviticus), this week’s edition of Temple Talk takes place in parallel universes… or should we say in multiple galaxies? The book of Vayikra  focuses completely on the Divine service in the Holy Temple. That service is designed to cause the light of the Shechina, the Divine Presence, to shine forth from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to all the world. But in the meantime, it has become abundantly clear that Abdullah, King of Jordan is controlling the Temple Mount like a corrupt fiefdom. In recent episodes of Temple Talk we have discussed Jordan’s illegal stranglehold on the Temple Mount, and this week’s Temple Talk provides a crash course in everything you need to know about the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Or at least the most important things, such as King Abdullah’s love of the Star Trek franchise, an obsession so total that he actually appears in an episode! A two-bit cameo actor with no lines, this beduin tribesman is insecurely ruling over a Palestinian majority. Ironically, while the King may be living out his sci-fi fantasies, the building of the Holy Temple and resumption of the Divine service is not science fiction, but the word of the G-d of heaven and earth. Join us for the most explosive Temple Talk ever, as we boldly go where no man has gone before!

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Welcoming G-d into our neighborhood and making this world a better place – this is the simple yet profound reason Israel has been commanded to build for G-d a Sanctuary on this earth. Israel is a nation whose destiny is to live and act in G-d consciousness, thereby uplifting man and perfecting G-d’s creation.

Pekudei (Exodus 38:21-40:38)
Parashat Pekudei is read on Shabbat:
1 Adar 29, 5774/March 1, 2014

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Temple Talk is a weekly internet radio webcast with Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven of the Temple Institute.

This week features:

Parashat Pekudei: A Lesson in the Accountability of Our Leaders

Israel’s Peace Accords with Jordan: With Liberty & Justice for All (Except Jews)

Thank You, Michael SavageIn Parashat Pekudei, with its detailed reckonings of the final details of the tabernacle’s construction, the Torah testifies to a new reality which will be the focus of Jewish purpose and consciousness from this point onward. But as our hosts report this week, that reality has been replaced by an alternative reality – one based on lies, distortion and denial. This Shabbat is also Shabbat Shekalim, one of the four special Torah readings which precede the festival of Passover. Shabbat Shekalim  is all about the preparations which the Jewish people begin during the month of Adar  for the upcoming Passover pilgrimage to the Holy Temple. But in the twisted, mirror-image world of the Temple Mount today, Jewish people are treated as criminals and prevented from uttering a single word of prayer… as witnessed this past week by two great friends of Israel, Congressmen Bill Johnson (R OH) and Congressman David McKinley (R WV). Yitzchak Reuven and Rabbi Chaim Richman had the honor of guiding these gentlemen on a fact-finding tour of the Temple Mount, where the American lawmakers, “guilty by association,” were “treated like Jews” and were able to witness firsthand the Waqf’s criminal persecution of Jewish worshipers. Who is to blame for this sordid state of affairs? The Jordanian-backed Waqf, a hostile, illegal group within the sovereign State of Israel? The Israel Police? Our own Prime Minister? These questions and more are scheduled to be clarified in a special, historic Knesset meeting which will discuss the issue of official Israeli sovereignty on the holy Mount. Hear all about these crucial developments on this week’s compelling edition of Temple Talk.

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Within two days only Israel brought to Moshe  all the gold and silver and copper and blue techelet  and purple argaman  and crimson shani  and goat skins and tachash  skins and precious stones needed to make the Tabernacle, all its vessels and the priestly garments. Giving hearts brought all this to the wise hearts who fashioned from these raw materials the Tabernacle, all its vessels and the priestly garments. Nothing can stand between Israel and G-d and the Holy Temple if wise and giving hearts are willing.

Vayakhel (Exodus 35:1-38:20)
Parashat Vayakhel is read on Shabbat:
1 Adar 22, 5774/February 22, 2014

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Temple Talk is a weekly internet radio webcast with Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven of the Temple Institute.

This week features:

Vayakhel: Shabbat, Tabernacle & Jewish vs. Israeli Culture War

Pink Ladies, Elijah the Prophet & the Bankrupt American Orthodox Establishment

Kerry's Golden CalfAs the nation of Israel winds down the Book of Exodus with this week’s penultimate Torah portion of Vayahkel, focusing on the eternal commandments of Sabbath observance and building a home for the Creator, an extremely agitated and impassioned Rabbi Richman bemoans the spiritual bankruptcy of those Jewish leaders who make their homes outside the Land of Israel and yet criticize the rabbis of the Land of Israel who ardently defend our people’s rights to our own land. Echoes of Elijah’s face-off with the false prophets of the Baal; Mordechai’s  face-off with the Persian Jewish establishment who wined and dined at Acheshverosh’s  glatt kosher pagan banquet… it’s all here in this week’s alarming, disquieting edition of Temple Talk. An all time classic… but not for the faint-hearted.

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Biblical Faith – with Shmuel “Sam” Peak

Thursday Night Live – Special Edition with Rabbi Chaim Richman

This is a special edition of the Thursday Night Live show where Rabbi Chaim Richman addresses several  classic questions like: Why do we need the Holy Temple? and What are the Temple offerings all about? One of the best discussions on these subjects ever! Thursday Night Live

Program LinkRead the Torah w/ShmuelContact– DVD available @ 1-800-639-0169

That the incident of the golden calf was a mega-debacle is beyond the shadow of a doubt. But what was it all about? What was the sin? Who was behind it? Why did G-d swear Israel’s destruction, then back off? Why did G-d “go easy” concerning the sin of the golden calf, in contrast to the sin of the spies, in which G-d condemned an entire generation to death in the wilderness? Why do our sages say the sin of the golden calf recurs in every generation, and why is Israel poised today to put an end for once and for all to this enduring snare? The answers to all these questions, and more, found within

Ki Tisa (Exodus 30:11-34:35)
Parashat Ki Tisa is read on Shabbat:
1 Adar 15, 5774/February 15, 2014

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