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Weekly Torah

Heaven – or at least, the Garden of Eden, in its earthly embodiment in the land of Israel – awaits the generation of the desert. All they need to do is pack their gear and step inside. From whence the spiritual negativity that drove them from “heaven’s” door even as they were perched to enter? Their great failing remains for our generation to overcome and to correct. G-d, despite His great anger at their disregard for the land, blesses them with the commandments concerning the wine libations and the taking of challah, both of which are contingent on being in the land of Israel. In this manner G-d both comforts them that their children will someday enter the land, and instructs them once in the land of Israel, their Divine mission will be the rectification of the failing of Adam, the first man.

Shelach (Numbers 13:1-15:41)

Parashat Shelach is read on Shabbat:
Sivan 26, 5772/June 16, 2012

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Israel’s desert experience, as described throughout the book of Numbers, is a reality created by G-d in which He tends to their every need, but at the same time teaches them how to take responsibility for themselves as individuals and also as a nation. When they shy away or shirk their responsibility, G-d rebukes them. In this manner they are being prepared to enter into the land of Israel where they will assume their role in bringing the entire world closer to G-d and His Torah.

Beha’alotcha (Numbers 8:1-12:16)

Parashat Beha’alotcha is read on Shabbat:
Sivan 19, 5772/June 9, 2012

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What’s in a name? Everything – if we’re talking about the name of
G-d. Just as G-d willingly allows His name to be erased for the sake of exonerating the accused Sotah, He allows for His name to be desecrated for the sake of proving Israel’s fidelity.

Naso (Numbers 4:21-7:89)

Parashat Naso is read on Shabbat:
Sivan 12, 5772/June 2, 2012

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A SHORT VIDEO GREETING AND TEACHING ABOUT SHAVUOT: The intimate connection between receiving Torah at Sinai and bringing the first fruits to Jerusalem is the source of the Shavuot holiday joy. Chag Shavuot Sameach – חג שבועות שמח – Happy Shavuot!

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For the first time in many years, a large gathering of Jews were able to pray, sing and say blessings while on the Temple Mount, unhindered by nearby police. The contingent of Jewish worshipers was led by Knesset members Michael Ben Ari and Uri Ariel, as well as Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, founder of the Temple Institute, and other prominent rabbis and public figures.

Rabbi Ariel, who was among the Israeli paratroopers who liberated the Temple Mount in the Six Day War, can be heard saying, “I have waited forty five years to be able to say the shehechianu, (blessing of thanks), here on the Temple Mount.”

In addition to prayer, song and blessings, a number of worshipers performed the commandment of hishtachavia  (prostration), which applies to the Temple Mount.

The group was accompanied by journalists and cameramen representing Israel’s major news outlets. The worshipers exited the Mount in song. No violence or protest occurred.

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One man, one voice, “We will do and we will obey!”  The unity of the nation of Israel expressed upon receiving Torah at Mount Sinai, and reflected each year on Jerusalem Day, which precedes the festival of Shavuot by one week, is made possible through the twelve distinct flags of the twelve distinct tribes of Israel who made their encampment in the wilderness, around the Tabernacle – the heart of the nation. Through the unity of each individual soul of Israel, Torah is brought down from heaven and made manifest on earth – here in the land of Israel!

Bamidbar (Numbers 1:1-4:20)

Parashat Bamidbar is read on Shabbat:
Sivan 5, 5772/May 26, 2012

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The modern world knows no greater day than Yom Yerushalayim  – Jerusalem Day. It’s been a long time coming, but our prophets foresaw this great event thousands of years ago!

Happy Jerusalem Day!
!יום ירושלים שמח

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